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Early start expected for East Gippsland fire season

13 July 2020

East Gippsland’s fire season could start early for a third straight year due to persistent dry conditions, the Bushfire and Natural Hazards Co-operative Research Centre’s latest outlook says...

Reinsurers raise prices at Australian renewals

06 July 2020

Double-digit reinsurance price increases were seen for loss-hit catastrophe insurance programs in Australia at recent renewal negotiations with reinsurers, Willis Re says...

New ads target 'brazen' car key theft

06 July 2020

A new "POP. LOCK. STOP" ad campaign has been launched to remind motorists of simple steps they can take to prevent car theft as offenders "become more brazen", sneaking into homes via unlocked doors or windows to steal keys left in accessible spots...

No evidence: ICA rejects 'price gouging' claims

06 July 2020

The Insurance Council of Australia has pushed backed calls from consumer advocates for a national pricing monitor, saying there is no evidence to back up their claims of “price gouging" by insurers...

Virus disruption sparks rise in complaints

06 July 2020

The insurance industry has the highest number of virus-related disputes, accounting for 38% of the 4773 cases lodged against financial services providers since March, when the pandemic was declared...

Lloyd’s urges collaboration on pandemic risks

06 July 2020

Lloyd’s is urging industry and government collaboration in countries including Australia to improve risk protection responses to the COVID-19 pandemic and future risks...

Mass infrared scanning to tackle workplace infection

06 July 2020

Infrared thermography scanning technology is being rolled out in three Australian states to safeguard organisations from COVID-19 and flu infection breakouts within shared office environments...

ICA works with coal seam gas sector on liability

06 July 2020

Discussions on liability cover for farms hosting coal seam gas operations are continuing between the Insurance Council of Australia, the Australian Petroleum Production and Exploration Association and other groups...

EQC funds natural hazard reduction research

06 July 2020

The Earthquake Commission is spending $NZ3 million on new research to increase New Zealand’s resilience to natural hazards and reach its goals of stronger buildings, resilient infrastructure and access to insurance...

Digital transformation ‘no longer optional’

29 June 2020

The COVID-19 outbreak and the subsequent switch to digital technology leaves Australian general insurers with no choice but to transform their operations, a leading consultant says...

Pandemic to constrain industry premium growth: S&P

29 June 2020

The Australia general insurance industry is expected to suffer a two-percentage point drop in premium growth for the year to December because of the virus pandemic disruption, S&P Global Ratings says in a report released today...