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ICNZ probes car parts ‘misrepresentation’

New Zealand insurers have launched an investigation into a car parts supplier that has been “misrepresenting” car parts to repairers.

“We understand that since late last year a supplier has provided car parts as car manufacturer-branded when they are not,” The Insurance Council of New Zealand (ICNZ) CEO Tim Grafton said.

“The matter is naturally of concern to insurers, who have established dedicated teams to investigate the situation.”

ICNZ says insurers are working to ascertain if any of their customers’ vehicles have been fitted with parts from the identified supplier, and whether any misrepresentation has occurred.

“Affected customers will be contacted by their insurer if there is anything that needs to be addressed,” Mr Grafton said. “We understand many customers have been contacted already, and we expect more may be contacted as the investigation continues in the coming weeks.

“It’s important to note the use of non-branded parts that meet recognised standards to carry out vehicle repairs is not unusual, and wouldn’t in and of itself present any quality concerns.”

ICNZ says it has informed the Commerce Commission and “other necessary government agencies”.