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Investors shun businesses disrupted by flood

03 August 2020

Businesses in Australia must take proactive steps to strengthen the resilience of their facilities in flood-affected regions or risk long-term damage to the value of their operations, FM Global says...

SIRA refers conduct at icare to ICAC: report

27 July 2020

The State Insurance Regulatory Authority has referred conduct at icare to the Independent Commission Against Corruption, an investigation by the ABC Four Corners program and The Age/Sydney Morning Herald says...

Business pack facing ‘murky’ future: Macquarie

27 July 2020

The business pack sector is facing a “murky outlook” as business interruption claims and coronavirus shutdowns take their toll, according to a new report from Macquarie Research...

Disaster research funding ‘pivotal for resilience’

27 July 2020

Long-term funding for natural hazards research “plays a pivotal role” in improving disaster resilience, Emergency Management Minister David Littleproud says, prompting the Government to commit to a new research centre while last summer’s bushfires “linger in the national psyche”...

Rainy days may be forerunner to a La Niña

20 July 2020

A below-average run of consecutive dry days in autumn across much of Australia could be a forerunner to a return of La Nina conditions, according to the latest Australian Actuaries Climate Index...

Australia ‘ripe for driverless vehicles’

20 July 2020

Australia is steadily developing a supportive environment for driverless cars, ranking 15th – a notch below Germany – among 30 countries assessed by KPMG for their readiness for autonomous vehicles...

Insurtech Gateway eyes pay-as-you-drive motor line

20 July 2020

Insurtech Gateway Australia is planning a pilot launch of a pay-as-you-drive motor insurance product next January, as the London-based insurance incubator looks to shake up the market here...

Broker survey uncovers scale of renewals challenge

13 July 2020

Catastrophe claims combined with the disruption of the COVID-19 pandemic have created the most difficult insurance market conditions for almost two decades, brokers say – and there’s no immediate end in sight...

Leaders hit back over 'failing businesses' claim

13 July 2020

General insurance industry leaders have rebutted a law firm’s claim that insurance businesses will collapse as a result of COVID-19 pandemic claims, disruption and associated global recession...