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Liquidator looks at HIH directors and others

29 May 2001

Former HIH directors Ray Williams, Rodney Adler and Dominic Fodera are not only under investigation by ASIC – the HIH provisional liquidator is also considering…

Commission will be working before Christmas

29 May 2001

The Royal Commission into the collapse of HIH has not yet been finalised, with Prime Minister John Howard indicating on Sunday that it will be up and running…

Insurers grapple with “fourth tax” in NSW

29 May 2001

Insurers are at a deadlock in their battle with the NSW Government over its decision to impose a $69 million annual tax to help fund the State’s $600 million rescue package…

Expect about a 50% payout – maybe

22 May 2001

The provisional liquidator for HIH says creditors will receive less than 50 cents in the dollar, with liabilities well over $3 billion…

Hockey feels the heat

22 May 2001

The lights haven’t been kind to Federal Financial Services and Regulation Minister Joe Hockey over the past week as he did the rounds of the TV interviewers…

Don’t blame us, says S&P’s

22 May 2001

Last week it was brokers, before that it was APRA, and this week it’s the turn of Australia’s major ratings agency…

On stage, but not together

22 May 2001

For one moment there we thought former FAI MD Rodney Adler and Financial Services and Regulation Minister Joe Hockey would really share the podium at the Australian…

Two more groups attack regulator

15 May 2001

It isn’t only the major insurance industry groups that are critical of APRA’s handling of the HIH collapse…

ICA sends a wish-list to canberra

15 May 2001

The squeaky wheel gets the grease. At least, that’s what the Insurance Council has decided. It has sent a submission to the Federal Government calling for a number…

Sacked NRMA chief fires back

08 May 2001

The dispute between sacked NRMA CEO Eric Dodd and elements on the company’s board escalated on Sunday when Mr Dodd fired some very public shots at the number 1 insurer through a leading TV program…

ICA names new board

08 May 2001

A new ICA board was elected at the council’s AGM last week…

APRA’S biggest non-topic

01 May 2001

The big issue surrounding the collapse of HIH – who knew about its troubles and when – won’t be the focus of a major APRA conference in Sydney today. But maybe they should be…

Risk managers weigh in

01 May 2001

APRA’s role – or lack of it – in the HIH collapse has brought calls for a regulatory overhaul from Australia’s leading corporate risk organisation…

Insurance emigration seen as a danger

01 May 2001

The amount of Australian corporate business being placed on the London market could see the local insurance market’s influence reduced even further, according to some…

New chief on ICA agenda

01 May 2001

The fallout from the HIH collapse will probably dominate discussions at ICA’s annual general meeting tomorrow, although CEOs will doubtless be heartened by indications of…