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Brokers lose disclosure fight

09 March 2004

The Federal Government has killed any hope of brokers getting relief for disclosure requirements in Financial Service Guides under the Financial Services Reform Act…

Industry data collection a step closer

09 March 2004

The industry data collection system proposed by the Insurance Council of Australia last year is a step closer to implementation, says ICA Executive Director Alan Mason…

ICA pushes HIH recommendations

09 March 2004

Mr Mason also told the conference the industry hasn’t forgotten about the recommendations of the HIH Royal Commission…

Monty goes easy on insurers

09 March 2004

Cyclone Monty, which hit mining towns in the north-west of Western Australia last week, hasn’t caused insurers any particular problems…

Industry praises tort reform

09 March 2004

While the positive effects of tort reform on public liability insurance are beginning to appear, the Insurance Council disputes media reports that it has boosted insurers’ profits…

Coonan tells of medical indemnity fears

09 March 2004

Assistant Treasurer Senator Helen Coonan believes Australia’s health care system would not function properly without effective indemnity cover to protect doctors and consumers…

Adler loses bid to stop trial

09 March 2004

Rodney Adler has lost his bid for a permanent stay of criminal proceedings for allegedly manipulating the stock market…

Kiwi, Taiwanese win Corrigan award

09 March 2004

A New Zealand project manager has won the local component of the inaugural Peter Corrigan International Exchange Award…

Premium rises slowing, says Coonan

02 March 2004

The tort reforms of the past couple of years are starting to affect premiums, according to state and federal ministers attending Friday’s seventh ministerial meeting on insurance issues…

IAG executive to succeed Wagstaffe at CGU

02 March 2004

Mario Pirone, IAG Group Executive Asset Management, will head up the group’s CGU intermediary business when Bob Wagstaffe retires from the company in August…

Underinsurance remains an issue

02 March 2004

Another scathing article on insurers’ response to the 2003 Canberra bushfires has pushed the industry to strengthen its focus on underinsurance…

ACCC backs medical indemnity prices

02 March 2004

An Australian Competition and Consumer Commission report into medical indemnity insurance ­– prompted by Prime Minister John Howard’s 2003 commitment…

Insurers pass ACCC test No 2

24 February 2004

Premium rises are stabilising and even liability rate rises are slowing, says the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission…

NZ storms hit hard

24 February 2004

The estimated insured damage bill for the fierce storms that lashed NZ’s lower North Island last week is likely to exceed the $100 million mark…

NZ storm claims swamp insurers

24 February 2004

New Zealand insurers and claims specialists are being run off their feet dealing with claims from last week’s storms…