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100 apply for awards

The names of the 65 shortlisted nominees for this year’s Australian and New Zealand Institute of Insurance and Finance (ANZIIF)/Asia Insurance Review insurance industry awards won’t be disclosed until the presentation dinner in Sydney in late July.

ANZIIF CEO Joan Fitzpatrick says “almost 100 nominations” across 11 categories  – including insurance personality and law firm of the year – has attracted “a very high standard”.   

“We’re delighted with the industry’s response to these inaugural awards and excited that we now have a vehicle for acknowledging and celebrating excellence across the breadth of the insurance industry.”

It’s understood that many leading companies across most sectors of the industry have declined to become involved in the awards. 

Sivam Subramanian, Editor-in-Chief of Singapore-based magazine Asia Insurance Review, says the judging has been “intense, intellectual and highly professional”.