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Insurers lobby to dump NSW taxes

04 December 2007

The Insurance Council of Australia is again agitating for NSW insurance taxes to be spiked, continuing a long-running sparring match with state governments over insurance affordability…

Lofts new IBNA Chairman

04 December 2007

New IBNA Chairman Trevor Lofts says greater communication with members will be a hallmark of his reign as head of the broking cluster…

RIBA to AAIB: Victorians go national

04 December 2007

The Regional Insurance Brokers Association of Victoria has changed its name to become the Australasian Association of Insurance Brokers…

Two new faces on RMIA board

04 December 2007

Grant Whitehorn has secured re-election as President of the Risk Management Institution of Australia at the association’s annual general meeting, held as part of…

More reform likely as Labor steps up

27 November 2007

The end of conservative rule and subsequent election of a Kevin Rudd-led Labor Government is expected to usher in a new era in financial services reform…

Australian firms not ready for climate change

27 November 2007

A report by investment research and ratings firm RepuTex has revealed 80% of Australian listed companies are poorly prepared to manage the risks arising from climate change…

CGU issues Tasmania bushfire warning

27 November 2007

Commercial insurer CGU and the Tasmanian Fire Service have joined forces in a pre-emptive campaign promoting bushfire safety during the upcoming season…

It’s a buyers’ market: Aon

27 November 2007

Buyers of commercial insurance continue to hold court over the sellers, according to the latest insurance sector report by Aon…

Insurers rush to limit bird flu exposure

20 November 2007

Australian insurers have been reducing their coverage of pandemic infectious diseases in new business interruption policies in response to an Australian Prudential Regulation Authority…

Staff, climate biggest risks: Aon

20 November 2007

International consulting firm Aon predicts the management of intellectual capital and retention and training of staff will be key concerns for Australian executives next year…

Rates set to rebound in 2009

13 November 2007

The inevitable upswing in commercial premiums may be less than two years away as the premium wars begin to take a toll on underwriting profitability…

Skills shortage heads insurer worries

13 November 2007

Critical labour shortages top insurers' list of concerns, according to the new JP Morgan/Deloitte General Insurance Industry Survey

Broker share remains strong

13 November 2007

Analysts are predicting commercial distribution channels will remain dominated by insurance brokers into the foreseeable future…

Cyclones: we’re in for a torrid time

13 November 2007

Australia is facing its worst tropical cyclone season for almost 10 years, according to weather experts from UK-based Tropical Storm Risk…