Bushfire liability could reach $800 million
27 April 2009
Power line failures caused at least six of the February Black Saturday bushfires, with insurers likely to become involved in damages claims worth up to $800 million...
27 April 2009
Power line failures caused at least six of the February Black Saturday bushfires, with insurers likely to become involved in damages claims worth up to $800 million...
27 April 2009
Insurance Ombudsman Sam Parrino has resigned from the new Financial Ombudsman Service, with Chief Ombudsman Colin Neave taking over the role this week...
27 April 2009
A senior claims expert says a lack of insurance may have encouraged some Victorians to make a fatal decision to stay and fight the Black Saturday fires...
27 April 2009
HIH liquidator Tony McGrath has been given the green light to accept a $98 million settlement from reinsurer General Re in an ongoing process which will take at least another three years to play out...
27 April 2009
Successful civil penalty proceedings brought by the Australian Securities and Investments Commission against former James Hardie directors and executives are likely to put further pressure...
27 April 2009
Maintenance of drains is looming as a hot issue on the NSW mid-north coast as the area continues to recover from the March deluge that caused massive damage...
20 April 2009
Aon’s 2008/09 Australasian Risk Management benchmarking survey has confirmed risk is a top concern among businesses looking to survive the financial downturn...
20 April 2009
With reports from hydrologists and adjusters still coming in following the NSW mid-north coast deluge in late March, insurers are expected to mostly rule in favour of storm over flood and pay claims...
20 April 2009
The insurance conference season is in full swing, with the Austbrokers-IBNA Marketing Services event kicking off last night at Queensland’s Hyatt Coolum resort...
20 April 2009
A spike in piracy incidents has seen kidnap and ransom insurance premiums increase tenfold since last October, according to Aon Risk Services...
20 April 2009
Trade credit insurance claims are continuing to rise, with insurer Atradius and brokers saying the economic downturn is biting hard...
20 April 2009
Home warranty insurers have angered clients by charging up to 45% more for premiums and imposing higher security demands on builders...
20 April 2009
More Australians are buying travel insurance than ever before and instead of foregoing travel are opting for cheaper overseas holidays as the economy weakens...
20 April 2009
The economic downturn has prompted a warning on the expected rise in motor vehicle theft and related insurance fraud...
06 April 2009
Australian general insurers are set for a lean year according to analysts who believe the industry will be hit by falling profits and further job cuts...
06 April 2009
Aon Risk Services CEO Steve Nevett wants the industry to improve its response to fire, flood and pestilence...
06 April 2009
The weekend deluge in south-east Queensland, on top of last week’s flooding on the mid-north coast of NSW, will keep claims specialists busy in the week ahead...
06 April 2009
IAG CEO Mike Wilkins says his company knows what “sustainability” really means...
06 April 2009
The Australasian Institute of Chartered Loss Adjusters has reported a 45% increase in training enrolments following international efforts to promote its qualifications...
06 April 2009
Vero New Zealand will rely on a standard policy exclusion to beat a NZ Supreme Court challenge from a property developer...