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Property premiums remain on the rise: Fitch Ratings

29 May 2023

Premium rates are expected to continue increasing, particularly for property classes that have been affected by extreme weather-related losses, Fitch Ratings says in an Asia Pacific report...

No time to lose as cyber threats grow: ICA CEO

22 May 2023

The Insurance Council of Australia (ICA) has urged the Federal Government to act quickly on fixing the “patchwork” of policies, laws and frameworks that are hobbling the country’s cyber deterrence...

Strata report puts focus on transparency, capacity

22 May 2023

Addressing capacity constraints and transparency are top priorities to improve the situation in the strata insurance market, consultant John Trowbridge says in the final report delivered as part of a three-phase review...

ICA appoints two insurer CEOs to board

22 May 2023

The Insurance Council of Australia says two executives appointed to its board at last week’s annual general meeting will bring extensive experience at a pivotal time...


22 May 2023

A feature article in the April/May edition of Insurance News magazine quoted Finity Travel Insurance Practice Leader Danielle Casamento as saying premiums for international travel insurance had increased by more than 5% on average compared to pre-pandemic levels...

Bushfire smoke may influence La Nina climate drivers

15 May 2023

The Black Summer bushfires may have contributed to the following triple La Nina, with smoke from large-scale events having some similarities to impacts caused by volcanic eruptions, researchers have found...

Survey finds 55% looking to change insurers

15 May 2023

More than half of general insurance customers are thinking about switching providers and younger consumers are more likely to change, a survey by customer insights agency Perceptive has found...

AFCA rules against dentists in BI covid disputes

08 May 2023

Two dental practices have lost disputes over covid-related business interruption cover, with the Australian Financial Complaints Authority (AFCA) finding insurers were entitled to decline the claims. 

5G networks to create ‘tsunami’ of sensitive data

08 May 2023

An increase in reliance on 5G networks by key industries, including financial services, will create a “tsunami” of sensitive data and organisations are right to be concerned, Thales Cloud Security ANZ Director Brian Grant says. 

Call for national flood claim procedure standard

08 May 2023

Researchers who polled more than 600 victims of last year’s record floods say insurers need to issue consistent factsheets across Australia on correct claims procedures, and say victims felt frustrated by a lack of choice when arranging repairs through their insurers.  

Pacific Q1 commercial prices rise 7%: Marsh

01 May 2023

Pacific commercial prices rose at a faster pace in the first quarter, with catastrophe property risk the driver in a broadly moderating market, a Marsh report shows...