Strata under pressure
01 August 2011
Developers, unit owners and retirees are being urged to take what strata insurance they can in Far North Queensland as the region faces continued market withdrawals…
01 August 2011
Developers, unit owners and retirees are being urged to take what strata insurance they can in Far North Queensland as the region faces continued market withdrawals…
01 August 2011
Brokers are experiencing a “mixed bag” following the June 30 renewals, bringing into question whether the market really is going into a hard market…
01 August 2011
CGU CEO Peter Harmer has identified a backlash against rising insurance premiums as the next major reputational issue facing the insurance industry…
01 August 2011
Global insurers are still struggling to meet customer standards of disclosure despite scoring high satisfaction ratings, according to an Accenture survey…
25 July 2011
Claims paid by insurers for the Queensland flood and Cyclone Yasi have risen to more than $1.6 billion…
25 July 2011
The Institute of Actuaries of Australia has called for a temporary flood insurance pool, saying such a move will encourage flood mitigation and mapping…
25 July 2011
The National Insurance Brokers Association wants a “whole of nation” approach to natural disaster management, saying insurance is just one part of the solution…
25 July 2011
New Zealand insurance brokers are already “sharing the pain” of industry losses, and calls for lower commissions aren’t realistic, Insurance Brokers Association of New Zealand CEO Gary Young says…
25 July 2011
Insurers and the Insurance Council of Australia contend that any plan to provide insurance assistance to houses at high risk of flooding should not be extended to small businesses facing flood risks…
25 July 2011
Both the Insurance Council of Australia and IAG have set out plans to increase the level of flood awareness in the community…
25 July 2011
Lloyd’s Chairman Lord Levene has called for rates to rise to sustain the insurance industry in light of the recent number of natural catastrophes…
25 July 2011
Macquarie Relationship Banking has launched its Insurance Broking Benchmarking Survey, which will identify industry trends and provide comparisons…
25 July 2011
Queensland motorist are facing an “unprecedented” number of profit-motivated thefts, according to the National Motor Vehicle Theft Reduction Council…
25 July 2011
Vero NZ South Island Branch Manager Bryan Noonan has reportedly told local business owners reinsurers have “just about had enough” of Canterbury…
18 July 2011
Australia’s two largest personal lines insurers have announced significant widening of their flood cover offerings as the industry moves to counter the Natural Disaster Insurance Review’s push for…
18 July 2011
Wesfarmers Insurance says that the current government review into flood insurance has failed to address rural and regional issues…
18 July 2011
A leading economist has called for “rational thinking” in the debate over flood insurance and the proposal to offer discounted rates for high-risk areas…
18 July 2011
The potential for more flooding in Victoria cannot be ignored, with dams at or near capacity providing limited flood mitigation capacity, a report into the state’s summer flood disaster has warned…
18 July 2011
The New Zealand insurance market is going through a “fundamental and significant shift” to permanently higher premiums, according to Lumley NZ CEO John Lyon…
18 July 2011
Canterbury brokers surveyed on insurers’ response to the Christchurch earthquakes have ranked NZI, QBE and Lumley as the best-performing companies…