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Customers need clearer policies

01 August 2011

Global insurers are still struggling to meet customer standards of disclosure despite scoring high satisfaction ratings, according to an Accenture survey…

Queensland on thieves’ radar

25 July 2011

Queensland motorist are facing an “unprecedented” number of profit-motivated thefts, according to the National Motor Vehicle Theft Reduction Council…

Manager warns of reinsurer impatience

25 July 2011

Vero NZ South Island Branch Manager Bryan Noonan has reportedly told local business owners reinsurers have “just about had enough” of Canterbury…

Rational thought vital for flood debate

18 July 2011

A leading economist has called for “rational thinking” in the debate over flood insurance and the proposal to offer discounted rates for high-risk areas…

Victorian disaster inquiry warns of further flooding

18 July 2011

The potential for more flooding in Victoria cannot be ignored, with dams at or near capacity providing limited flood mitigation capacity, a report into the state’s summer flood disaster has warned…

Customers seek human interaction

18 July 2011

The insurance industry needs to move with the times and offer cross-transactional options to customers to cater for the shift from a buyers’ to a sellers’ market, according to a new survey…