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Christchurch rebuild: Community engagement important

Insurers are an important part of the rebuild of Christchurch and need to communicate what they are doing so the public can understand the process, an Insurance Council of New Zealand seminar has heard.

Roger Sutton, CEO of the Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority, which is managing the rebuild, says the community is looking for transparency and engagement.

Insurers have sent staff to public meetings in the city, and he says the opportunity for face-to-face meetings is important, as is open sharing of information between the various parties involved in the rebuild.

Mr Sutton says insurance issues include delays in assessments, changes in assessments as to whether a building should be rebuilt or repaired, and clients’ understanding about dispute resolution and other processes.

He says a year on from the first quake all of the city has normal reticulated water access and kerbside rubbish collection. About 40% of damaged buildings five storeys or higher will be demolished by September next year.

Munich Re Australia and New Zealand MD Heinrich Eder told the 250 insurance executives and advisers at the seminar that reinsurers remain interested in New Zealand despite the losses they have incurred.

But he says reinsurers need to be satisfied that pricing is appropriate in what remains a very competitive market.

The Christchurch earthquakes have displaced the 1989 Newcastle earthquake and Cyclone Tracy hitting Darwin in 1974 as the most expensive insurance events in Australasia, he said.