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Risk has to start at the top

26 September 2011

Most actuaries think Australian companies perform well in the area of enterprise risk management, but only half take it really seriously, a survey has revealed…

Don’t mix us in with planners, warn brokers

19 September 2011

General insurance brokers don’t want “the ills of the financial planning industry foisted unjustly” on them, according to National Insurance Brokers President David Duffield…

QBE wins brokers’ award Number 10

19 September 2011

QBE has won the National Insurance Brokers Association General Insurer of the Year award for the 10th consecutive year…

Business ‘ignoring the real risks’

19 September 2011

Businesses are not acknowledging the real risks in their operations and as a result are ill-prepared to deal with them, Aon Global Risk Consulting CEO Stephen Cross says…

Reinsurance rising, says NZ minister

19 September 2011

New Zealanders will have to pay more for reinsurance cover and the Government cannot give them any indication as to when the market will ease, Earthquake Recovery Minister Gerry Brownlee has…

Consumer groups want automatic flood cover

19 September 2011

A Treasury-backed submission to the Natural Disaster Insurance Review has called on the panel to recommend automatic flood cover as the preferred option for increasing overall coverage…

Flood map data initiative applauded

19 September 2011

The Insurance Council of Australia has welcomed the Queensland Government’s new flood-mapping initiative following months of talks about floodplain vulnerabilities…

New order in world pricing cycles

19 September 2011

Like the two-tier economy, Australia is also seeing a two-tier pricing model, Aon Chief Placement Officer Bob Mann says…

Pike River claim settled

19 September 2011

A consortium of European insurance companies has agreed to pay out $NZ80 million ($64.32 million) to the receivers of the Pike River Coal company…

Mitigation needs investment, says Wilkins

19 September 2011

Australian governments spend 220 times more money on recovery and rebuilding after floods than they do on mitigation, according to IAG CEO Mike Wilkins…

Note to Whistleblower53

19 September 2011

Please contact us again. We need more specific information before we can investigate…

Electricity company blamed for fire

12 September 2011

Changing power line inspection periods to five years created an unacceptable fire risk that led to a bushfire, the Victorian Supreme Court has heard…

Police reveal WA fire ban bungle

12 September 2011

A conviction against a Perth man who started a fire in a national park last summer will be reviewed after investigations revealed the state’s fire service didn’t have the authority to declare a total…

Claims and renewals top key performance indicators

12 September 2011

The three top key performance indicators for the insurance industry are claims processing time, policy renewal rates and insurance underwriting time, according to a management consultant Eab Group…

Youth rehabilitation key to reducing thefts

12 September 2011

Australia’s peak car theft reduction body is ramping up its efforts to rehabilitate young thieves in a bid to bring down the level of short-term thefts…