04 May 2015
Insurance providers can grow their business by selling more products through banks and mortgage brokers when properties are bought, according to QBE Lenders’ Mortgage Insurance CEO Jenny Boddington…
04 May 2015
The Fire Protection Association has called on insurance companies to help drive up building standards by being more rigorous in selecting the risks they take on…
04 May 2015
Complaints to the Financial Ombudsman Service totalled 8341 in the first quarter, up by 7% on the previous quarter and 4% on the corresponding period last year…
27 April 2015
Last week’s Sydney storms caused estimated insurance losses of $244 million from 34,950 claims, and will test the reliability of flood cover definitions…
27 April 2015
The storms that battered parts of NSW last week are not uncommon and usually do less damage than tropical cyclones, according to Munich Re…
27 April 2015
The local economy is the most pressing concern for business leaders, according to Aon’s Australian Risk Survey…
27 April 2015
Brokers and insurers face increased competition, Suncorp Commercial Insurance CEO Anthony Day told last week’s Steadfast Convention…
27 April 2015
ANZ’s home and contents policy offers the best coverage and is the only product on the market that includes total replacement as standard, according to Choice…
27 April 2015
QBE and Budget Direct have shared the honours in Canstar’s national award for outstanding value in car insurance…
20 April 2015
The major providers of professional education to insurance brokers have been challenged to ensure brokers are properly equipped to prosper in an increasingly competitive environment…
20 April 2015
Consumer expectations in some personal insurance classes are not being met, according to the Financial Ombudsman Service…
20 April 2015
More research on the combined effects of hail size, wind speed and rain could be of major benefit to property insurers in pricing and modelling, a new report on last November’s Brisbane hailstorm says…
20 April 2015
Australasia and Asia suffered 23% of all global insured losses last year, according to Guy Carpenter…
20 April 2015
The Bureau of Meteorology has issued an El Nino alert as ocean temperatures in the tropical Pacific continue to rise…
20 April 2015
New Zealand experts say a US plan to use smartphones as early warning systems for large earthquakes in poorer regions has limited application for them…
20 April 2015
The article “Web of Lies” in the April/May edition of Insurance News (the magazine) states that AIG’s cyber cover does not respond to reputational damage…
13 April 2015
Fraud allegations against Combined Insurance have led to consumer groups suggesting fraudulent sales practices could be endemic within the insurance industry…
13 April 2015
The furore enveloping Combined Insurance over dubious sales techniques is not the first time the US-owned company has faced investigation by the Australian regulator…
13 April 2015
The funding positions of most motor insurance compulsory third party schemes in Australia and New Zealand improved last financial year, according to Finity…
13 April 2015
The new Bushfire Building Council of Australia has begun operations, aiming to tackle an information gap among homeowners and help people make their properties more resilient…