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Fire survey reveals coverage gaps

30 March 2015

A survey of SA fire victims has shown 85% had their homes fully insured in January last year when lightning strikes caused blazes that destroyed a dozen houses…

No let-up in growth struggle: actuary

23 March 2015

With the reinsurance market awash in alternative capital, insurance premium rates are expected to fall slightly this year in Australia, according to a new report from actuarial group Taylor Fry…

Insurers meet Cyclone Marcia victims

23 March 2015

About 45 people attended the Insurance Council of Australia’s forums in Yeppoon and Rockhampton last week for policyholders hit by Cyclone Marcia…

EQC starts on Canterbury flood vulnerability claims

23 March 2015

The impact of the Canterbury earthquakes continues to be felt, with the Earthquake Commission starting to settle claims for land that is more vulnerable to flood following changes to the region’s topography…

LMI opens latest claims survey

23 March 2015

Loss manager LMI Group is calling for input from brokers, insurance service providers and consumers as it compiles its first-quarter ClaimsComparison survey…

Car thefts fall to record low

23 March 2015

The number of short-term vehicle thefts hit a record low last year, the National Motor Vehicle Theft Reduction Council says…

Business claims take Marcia toll past $403 million

16 March 2015

A surge in claims from businesses following Cyclone Marcia last month has taken insured losses to $403.6 million from 29,565 claims, according to the Insurance Council of Australia…

Cyclone Olwyn flattens WA town

16 March 2015

The WA coastal town of Carnarvon, 900km north of Perth, is expected to be declared a natural disaster zone following extensive damage by Cyclone Olwyn last Friday…

Resilience roundtable in line for UN award

16 March 2015

The Australian Business Roundtable for Disaster Resilience & Safer Communities is one of three finalists for the United Nations Sasakawa Award for Disaster Reduction, to be announced in Japan tomorrow…

Intermediated premium level drops

09 March 2015

Premiums invoiced by intermediated general insurance businesses fell to $9.67 billion for the six months to December 31, according to the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority…

Cyclone Marcia claims pass $130 million

09 March 2015

Estimated insurance losses from Tropical Cyclone Marcia in Queensland now stand at $130.5 million, with 17,400 claims lodged, according to the Insurance Council of Australia…