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Record floods cost NZ insurers $25 million

New Zealand appears on course for a year of reasonably high insurance losses from weather events.

A storm that caused record flooding in Dunedin and Otago province early last month has cost insurers more than $NZ28 million ($25.11 million) so far, according to the Insurance Council of New Zealand.

CEO Tim Grafton says nearly 2000 domestic claims cost insurers almost $NZ20 million ($17.94 million) and 200 commercial and business interruption claims cost more than $NZ8 million ($7.18 million), with final figures to be known in October.

Most of the other claims relate to motor vehicles.

Late last month the lower North Island was also hit by storms and record floods.

This event is expected to be the most expensive this year, Mr Grafton told

The Earthquake Commission has received 330 claims from the Whanganui area.

If the flooding has caused a landslip, the commission covers home, contents and land damage.

The Dunedin storm from June 2-4 followed extensive flooding in Wellington in May, which led to $NZ17 million ($15.25 million) of claims, and a tornado that ripped through Mount Maunganui, causing more than $NZ2 million ($1.79 million) of insured losses.