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EQC and homeowners agree deal, disagree on its meaning

02 May 2016

The EQC Action Group, representing 98 Canterbury homeowners, has claimed a “landmark settlement” with the New Zealand Earthquake Commission on the eve of its bid for a declaratory judgement in the High Court…

Gloomy outlook for Asia-Pacific insurers, says S&P

26 April 2016

The Asia-Pacific insurance sector’s net ratings outlook is “somewhat negative” and pressure is expected to grow if a China-led regional slump worsens, according to Standard & Poor’s…

Insurers downbeat on investment outlook

26 April 2016

Insurers are pessimistic about finding attractive investment opportunities, according to Goldman Sachs Asset Management’s global insurance survey…

EQC funds fault-lines study in Hamilton

26 April 2016

New Zealand’s Earthquake Commission has awarded a $NZ70,000 research grant to pinpoint infrastructure risks in the North Island city of Hamilton…

Experts warn La Nina could be brewing

18 April 2016

The Bureau of Meteorology says there is a 50% chance a La Nina weather system will develop later this year, bringing with it above-average rainfall and the prospect of floods…

FOS hopes for slowdown in insurance complaints

18 April 2016

Lead Ombudsman for General Insurance John Price cannot say why a sudden surge in complaints has caused a bottleneck at the Financial Ombudsman Service – but he hopes it is not permanent…

Winley collapse ‘will raise standards’

18 April 2016

National broker group Westcourt says it is confident the collapse of Perth-based authorised representative group Winley will not negatively affect the wider AR model…

In Insurance News (the magazine) this month

18 April 2016

The collapse of Perth-based authorised representative group Winley Insurance will have repercussions in the industry, but Insurance Advisernet Managing Director Shaun Standfield explains in the latest edition of Insurance News (the magazine) why the AR model remains the way of the future…

Winley collapse stirs insurers’ anger

11 April 2016

The financial security arrangements smaller authorised representative groups have with insurers are being questioned following the collapse of Perth-based Winley Insurance Group…