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Privatisation opens new doors for insurers, S&P says

14 June 2016

Insurers can tap into an additional market potentially worth $17 billion in annual gross written premium as privatisation of state-run compensation schemes gathers pace, according to Standard & Poor’s…

East coast storm bill $74.3 million and rising

14 June 2016

Insured losses from the huge east coast storms have reached $56 million and are expected to rise further after insurers finish tabulating claims, the Insurance Council of Australia says…

Ansvar forum addresses church arson

14 June 2016

Ansvar Insurance has held an “interfaith arson forum” in Victoria following a spate of church fires in Melbourne and Geelong over the past year…

Threat remains from faulty Infinity cable

14 June 2016

The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission has again urged residents to have their homes checked by qualified electricians for potentially dangerous Infinity electrical cables…

Autumn was Australia’s hottest yet

06 June 2016

An El Nino year and global warming combined to give Australia its hottest autumn on record, according to the Bureau of Meteorology…

UK’s motor fraud issues reflected in NSW

06 June 2016

NSW is now experiencing the same issues the UK has had with car insurance fraud in the past decade, says UK Insurance Fraud Taskforce Chairman David Hertzell…

Marine industry ‘threatened by UK changes’

06 June 2016

The Australian marine insurance industry will struggle to compete in the global marketplace unless legislation is reformed to bring it in line with the UK, says the Maritime Law Association of Australia and New Zealand…

Flood group calls for more mitigation measures

06 June 2016

Increased investments in preventive flood measures such as levees and flood-proof roads can improve insurance affordability, according to Floodplain Management Australia…

IAG sues power company over Perth bushfire

30 May 2016

IAG has launched legal action against Western Power and contractor Thiess Services over the January 2014 bushfire in the Perth Hills area of Western Australia which destroyed more than 50 buildings…

Monster El Nino finally over

30 May 2016

El Nino is officially over, with the Bureau of Meteorology confirming tropical Pacific Ocean temperatures and trade winds have returned to a neutral state…