ING appoints new head of life risk
02 February 2009
Long-serving insurance executive Gavin Pearce will take up the role of Director of Life Risk at ING Australia from mid-March...
02 February 2009
Long-serving insurance executive Gavin Pearce will take up the role of Director of Life Risk at ING Australia from mid-March...
15 December 2008
Australians working in financial services are still confident in their jobs despite growing economic uncertainty...
15 December 2008
The Federal Government wants to improve financial literacy among indigenous people...
08 December 2008
The life insurance industry needs to work harder to overcome consumer scepticism, according to ING Life Risk...
08 December 2008
The Australian Securities and Investments Commission has banned a Queensland financial adviser from providing financial services for two years...
01 December 2008
The global financial crisis and downturn in the market has decreased people’s perception of the trustworthiness and reliability of some financial planners...
01 December 2008
Axa Financial Planning is offering planners $150,000 in capital as an incentive to run their own businesses under the Axa umbrella...
01 December 2008
Axa Australia has unveiled an upgraded group insurance policy to provide flexibility in response to changing workforce needs...
24 November 2008
Zurich has questioned the complexity of Australia’s superannuation rules following last year’s Better Super reforms...
24 November 2008
Financial advisers need to become more like a chief financial officer to help clients manage all their financial needs...
24 November 2008
A new code of ethics and single code of professional practice are among the latest initiatives of the Financial Planning Association...
24 November 2008
The FPA has named three winners of its Value of Advice Awards at its inaugural Good Advice Gala Dinner on the Gold Coast...
17 November 2008
It’s been a tough year in which to shine, but nine financial planners have made the grade to be named finalists in the Value of Advice Awards...
17 November 2008
The FPA is helping financial planners fight the economic crisis with a new online resource centre for its members...
17 November 2008
ING Australia has opened a new business unit with an emphasis on investment and retirement solutions to protect baby boomers from the ups and downs of investment risk...
10 November 2008
Axa Australia is recruiting financial planners from the UK and South Africa to offset a shortage of local talent...
10 November 2008
RGA Reinsurance senior claims consultant Renee Knapp has won the 2008 Investment and Financial Services Association/Deloitte Future Leaders Award...
10 November 2008
The Financial Planning Association has launched a “value of advice” campaign to help Australians survive tough economic times...
03 November 2008
As life insurers continue to compete for leverage in the increasingly tough life market, Zurich Australia has announced it is relaxing its indemnity income replacement rules...
03 November 2008
Westpac’s wealth management and insurance business BT Financial Group Australia has posted a 12% decline in full year net profit as the business weathered torrid…