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Life Insurance

Churn distracts life industry: FPA

16 December 2013

Underinsurance remains the life industry’s biggest problem but it is being overshadowed by the debate on churning, the Financial Planning Association warns…

Planners focus on inquiry, FOFA and tax reform

16 December 2013

The financial system inquiry, Future of Financial Advice legislation and tax agent reforms will be high on the agenda for the industry’s professional groups next year…

Life shortfall costs $47 million a year

09 December 2013

Life underinsurance is proving a drain on the public purse, with the total cost to government estimated at $47 million a year, according to a report by actuaries Rice Warner…

AFA to hit the road again

09 December 2013

Next year’s Association of Financial Advisers GenXt Roadshow will feature innovation as its theme…

YBR joins SAS in corporate super tie-up

09 December 2013

Yellow Brick Road has formed a joint venture with Super Advice Services (SAS) to provide financial services to more than 200 companies in Australia and New Zealand…

AIA launches health program

02 December 2013

Life insurer AIA is piloting a new health and wellbeing program to help Australians take their first steps towards healthy living…

Life insurers sign up for reality show

02 December 2013

The Association of Financial Advisers’ reality TV show project has won backing from the life industry and the financial services sector, according to CEO Brad Fox…

NZFSC wants annuity product in KiwiSaver

02 December 2013

The NZ Financial Services Council wants a form of life insurance, such as an annuity product, to be included in KiwiSaver for anybody over the age of 30…

Advice ‘the preserve of the wealthy’

25 November 2013

People who use financial advisers are happy with the service, but only 15% of Australian consumers seek such professional help, according to a new survey…