
INsight podcast: story behind the APRA stats

01 June 2023

Industry statistics released by the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority – and the story behind them – are the main focus for the panel on the latest episode of the Insurance News podcast...

CHU joins cyclone reinsurance pool

31 May 2023

Underwriting agency CHU says its strata and build-to-rent portfolios will enter the Federal Government’s cyclone reinsurance pool in July...

ANZIIF reveals new president, board lineup

30 May 2023

Ben Bessell has taken the position of President at the Australian and New Zealand Institute of Insurance and Finance, while Scott Leney is Deputy President, it was announced today...

Hazards Partnership tackling national data shortcomings

26 May 2023

The Hazards Insurance Partnership between the Federal Government and the industry has discussed developing national, centralised data resources on severe weather risks, and cover affordability and availability...

Treasury consults on APRA funding levies

26 May 2023

Treasury has released for consultation its proposed 2023/24 supervisory levies to recover the majority of the operational costs of the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority and other Commonwealth agencies including the Australian Taxation Office...

Insureds lose dispute after dog attacks business customer at home

26 May 2023

Complainants who sought legal liability cover following a dog attack on their property have lost their claims dispute after an Australian Financial Complaints Authority ruling found that the incident arose due to business activities excluded by the policy...