
'Difficult to keep up': insurers face worsening cyber landscape

31 January 2023

The Australian insurance sector will struggle to stay on top of an increasingly hostile cyber terrain as threat actors, including state-backed gangs, step up their attacks on the financial services industry, according to IT security specialist BlackBerry...

La Nina fading, but flood threat remains

31 January 2023

The flood-inducing La Nina weather system is continuing to ease in the tropical Pacific, but the threat of increased rainfall still hangs over much of Australia...

Shaky ground: EQC funds motion research

27 January 2023

A new modelling technique being pioneered in New Zealand and funded by the Earthquake Commission (EQC) could be used worldwide to improve the seismic resilience of buildings...

Property owners win flood/storm dispute

25 January 2023

Homeowners whose property was inundated by water will be covered for their losses after a dispute ruling determined that stormwater, not floodwater, was the initial cause of damage...

Loyal insurance staff penalised, recruiter says

24 January 2023

Loyal insurance staff are being financially penalised after employers lured new hires with attractive offers that exceeded the average salary increases awarded to existing staff, recruiter Hays says...