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Flood cover debate shows no sign of receding

01 June 2009

As wide tracts of northern NSW and south-east Queensland lie underwater, residents must wait to learn if their insurer is prepared to pick up the tab – was it storm or was it flood...

Transpacific sinks, and it’s no great loss

11 May 2009

A turbulent period in the life of Australia’s insurance industry was remembered last month with the appointment of a provisional liquidator to Transpacific Insurance Corporation...

Insurance faces a big fat problem

20 April 2009

New risks are always emerging, with some having the potential to significantly change the way insurance is written...

Avoiding regulatory overkill

16 March 2009

Regulation of financial services tends to swing like a pendulum. Effective new regulation happens in the bottom one-third of the pendulum’s swing...

Standing by the customer – but at what cost?

23 February 2009

Clearly, Australia’s general insurance industry is rising to the occasion in its support of clients affected by the Victorian bushfires, as well as the flooding in Queensland and New South Wales...

Financial pain could be insurers’ gain

15 December 2008

Swiss Re has forecast gloomy economic conditions will linger for another two years, but expects the ongoing financial crisis to provide a shot in the arm for premium rates...