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The case behind CGU’s High Court win

11 August 2008

The legal industry has been following the progress of a professional indemnity claim that CGU has fought through several courts over the past few years until – as reported last week…

Flood definition raises even more questions

04 August 2008

Last week’s AILA seminar in Melbourne titled The Flood Dilemma – Where are we going? could lead cynics to suggest the only direction at present is in circles...

Industry faces an economic storm

28 July 2008

A new report by actuaries Finity Consulting and Deutsche Bank is the latest sign that the pressure is increasing for premiums to rise at a faster rate...

NIBA survey confirms market firming

21 July 2008

NIBA’s six-monthly policy renewal survey confirms what the industry has been saying unofficially – the insurance cycle is turning...

Insurers pin their hopes on a flood definition

14 July 2008

The industry’s latest attempt to bring some clarity to the difficult issue of universal flood insurance has gained plenty of attention, much of it for the wrong reason...

Competition is keeping rate rises tentative

16 June 2008

Any brokers listening to the public pronouncements from the big insurers could be forgiven for thinking the market is in for a sharp correction over the June renewals season...

All aboard the unstoppable DOFI Express

14 April 2008

The much-anticipated release of the exemptions to the direct offshore foreign insurers regime means the endgame could finally be in sight for brokers and insurers...

US subprime crisis impacts on insurance

31 March 2008

In August last year Henry Keeling, the COO of giant Bermuda-based insurer XL Capital, said he expected the industry’s exposure to the US subprime mess to be “manageable”...