10 years on, flood cover remains elusive
18 August 2008
It’s 10 years since the Wollongong floods exposed the insurance industry’s mixed attitude to dealing with flood cover and the conflicts that inevitably follow...
18 August 2008
It’s 10 years since the Wollongong floods exposed the insurance industry’s mixed attitude to dealing with flood cover and the conflicts that inevitably follow...
11 August 2008
The legal industry has been following the progress of a professional indemnity claim that CGU has fought through several courts over the past few years until – as reported last week…
04 August 2008
Last week’s AILA seminar in Melbourne titled The Flood Dilemma – Where are we going? could lead cynics to suggest the only direction at present is in circles...
28 July 2008
A new report by actuaries Finity Consulting and Deutsche Bank is the latest sign that the pressure is increasing for premiums to rise at a faster rate...
21 July 2008
NIBA’s six-monthly policy renewal survey confirms what the industry has been saying unofficially – the insurance cycle is turning...
14 July 2008
The industry’s latest attempt to bring some clarity to the difficult issue of universal flood insurance has gained plenty of attention, much of it for the wrong reason...
07 July 2008
Australia’s listed insurers will be glad to see the back of the 2007/08 financial year...
30 June 2008
The Federal Government has kicked off an 18-month review into the Australian tax system, pledging to shine the light into every corner...
23 June 2008
This week’s revelation that fewer than one in five Americans have flood insurance is a devastating indictment of the National Flood Insurance Program...
16 June 2008
Any brokers listening to the public pronouncements from the big insurers could be forgiven for thinking the market is in for a sharp correction over the June renewals season...
10 June 2008
We’ve been slow out of the blocks, but the introduction of a Financial Claims Scheme announced last week finally brings Australia into line with international standards…
02 June 2008
As the dust settles at IAG, newly installed CEO Mike Wilkins’ in-tray is overflowing...
26 May 2008
The days may be numbered for privatised home warranty insurance, derided as “junk insurance” by builders and consumers...
19 May 2008
Underwriters and intermediaries have been jostling for distribution dominance since the industry grew out of short pants after the removal of the tariff system in the early 1980s...
12 May 2008
The devastating cyclone and subsequent tidal wave in Burma just over a week ago may have killed 100,000 people and destroyed property and infrastructure, but the cost to insurers…
05 May 2008
Are authorised representatives brokers - and if not, what are they?
28 April 2008
Almost exactly 12 months after the Federal Government announced that it would introduce legislation to regulate the activities of direct offshore foreign insurers...
21 April 2008
Today is deadline day for QBE’s $7.4 billion second offer which values IAG at $4.02 per share...
14 April 2008
The much-anticipated release of the exemptions to the direct offshore foreign insurers regime means the endgame could finally be in sight for brokers and insurers...
07 April 2008
At an age where most people of his age are thinking about moving to a nursing home, former AIG CEO Maurice “Hank” Greenberg is embroiled in a $US20 billion ($22 billion) fraud case…