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Disclosure rethink gathers steam as commission ponders

01 October 2018

Making people aware of what their insurance policy covers – and just as importantly what it doesn’t – has been a preoccupation of insurers for more than 20 years. All that has been gained is an understanding that legal necessities don’t mix well with the need for simplicity…

Brokers vs insurers: how the war of words erupted

17 September 2018

When it comes to internecine disagreements, the insurance industry is usually pretty placid. Differences of opinion among the various industry tribes are rare, which made the breakout of hostilities between insurers and brokers over the past week unusual, to say the least…

Renewed pessimism grips Monte Carlo

10 September 2018

Reinsurers and their insurance customers are gathering in the Mediterranean playground of Monaco for the annual Rendez-Vous de Septembre, but the mood is anything but playful…

A world on fire

27 August 2018

“What the hell is going on? It’s winter.” These were the words uttered by many NSW Rural Fire Service crews as 80 bushfires ripped through the state this month…

Brand transparency – or clear as mud?

06 August 2018

Information overload could well be the insurance industry’s fate if Canberra takes up one of the key suggestions in the Productivity Commission’s final competition report…

Mutual disagreement

30 July 2018

Insurance is a complicated business, and sometimes it’s even more complicated. Take for example last week’s report by the Victorian Auditor-General, Andrew Greaves, who has questioned the value councils are getting from mutual insurance schemes…

Cladding fallout: insurers burn building industry

23 July 2018

Insurance impacts from flammable cladding are biting more deeply a year after the Grenfell Tower disaster in London and more than three years after fire raced up Melbourne’s Lacrosse building…

Clause out: last scrap looms over contract terms

16 July 2018

The war over the extension of unfair contract term laws to insurance may have reached its final battle, with the release of Treasury proposals that insurers say will have far-reaching repercussions…

Funeral insurance beset with problems

09 July 2018

Serious concerns over the business practices of funeral insurers are nothing new. Aggressive sales representatives, non-payment, policy changes and cancellations with the loss of premiums paid, along with the targeting of Aboriginals as young as 20 are all issues that have been exposed in the past…

Committee cracks code as pressure grows on insurers

02 July 2018

The latest General Insurance Code of Practice review addresses many areas in which insurers have faced criticism, particularly dealing with vulnerable consumers, but whether it goes far enough remains to be seen, as a raft of inquiries and reviews put financial services under scrutiny…

Widening the parameters on parametrics

25 June 2018

Among the many issues reports on throughout the year is the industry’s continuing efforts to simplify claims resolution processes. It’s a challenge that’s complex and can result in frustrating and expensive legal entanglements…

Class actions: no reprieve for D&O insurers

18 June 2018

The threat of five class actions against AMP and recent reports from Aon and Marsh have shown that challenges in the directors’ and officers’ market will not be dealt with soon…

Pricing debate: the north will rise again

12 June 2018

Granted it’s only a preliminary report, but one can’t help a sense of deja vu reading the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission’s initial thoughts on its continuing northern Australia pricing probe…