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EY presents visions of doom to insurer laggards

23 September 2019

Like Dickens’ Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come showing the future to Scrooge, insurers are being warned by EY about what could happen to them if they don’t embrace change...

A slow, careful march towards the data revolution

26 August 2019

Right now the amount of digital data in the world – and the ability to process and analyse it – is growing exponentially. That data is coming from multiple and expanding sources as homes, workplaces, cars, fridges, TVs, microwaves, wristwatches and any number of other devices become digitally enabled...

A win/win on depreciation

19 August 2019

Should depreciation be deducted from a business interruption claim as a “saving”? This Analysis of the issue is from Mark Darwin, a Partner at Herbert Smith Freehills and Peter Rink, Willis Towers Watson Head of Asia Pacific, Forensic Accounting and Complex Claims...

Pay as you fly: drones show the way

29 July 2019

In January 2018, the first usage-based insurance cover for drones in Europe was launched, with capacity provided by Allianz. Since its debut, Flock Cover has analysed and priced risk for more than 500,000 drone flights in what could be a sign of how the future face of insurance may take shape...

Taking stock: a mid-year regulatory round-up

01 July 2019

Memories of last year’s royal commission hearings may already be fading, but there’s no chance Commissioner Kenneth Hayne’s recommendations have been forgotten...

PI pullout chips away at building industry’s foundations

24 June 2019

The thousands of building surveyors, certifiers or construction industry operators who are required by regulation to have professional indemnity (PI) insurance are facing a dilemma that may well force them out of business...

Industry banana skins: digital slip-ups loom large

17 June 2019

Last week diversified insurance provider Insurance House was forced to shut down its online systems for a lengthy period while it dealt with a highly sophisticated malware attack. While no client data was compromised, the company says the episode is a reminder how challenging the cyber threat can be...

The things that make a good insurance CEO

11 June 2019

What makes a successful insurance company chief executive? According to the media pundits and market analysts, extensive insurance experience is at the top of the list…

Why 5G spells danger for insurers

27 May 2019

Swiss Re’s annual analysis of emerging risks with the potential to have major impacts on insurers includes some of the usual suspects – climate change and the state of the global economy among them…