Regulatory & Government
04 May 2020
The Australian Securities and Investments Commission has flagged its intention to collect data on insurance claims related to the coronavirus outbreak once immediate pressures subside...
04 May 2020
State-owned insurer icare says more than 14,600 businesses have been in touch to have workers’ compensation policies reviewed due to the coronavirus outbreak...
04 May 2020
A Treasury inquiry into whether a so-called "write" access might be added to the Consumer Data Right regime should only proceed if the benefits outweigh the negatives, the Insurance Council of Australia says...
04 May 2020
The State Insurance Regulatory Authority says it is consulting on a standard of practice that will set expectations for insurers handling COVID-19 related workers’ compensation claims...
04 May 2020
The enforcement office of the corporate regulator will prioritise "matters related to misconduct in insurance" out to 2021, the latest update from the Australian Securities and Investments Commission says...
27 April 2020
The Australian Financial Complaints Authority’s decision to rule in favour of a claimant who had breached his duty of disclosure “must be of concern” for insurers, according to law firm Wotton + Kearney...
27 April 2020
The timeframe for individuals and organisations to make a submission about the 2019-20 bushfire season to the Royal Commission into National Natural Disaster Arrangements closes tomorrow...
27 April 2020
Workers’ compensation scheme regulators have been asked to clarify whether payments from the $130 billion JobKeeper wage subsidy scheme fall under the category of “declarable remuneration” for the purpose of calculating premium...
27 April 2020
Calls from consumer group One Big Switch for reductions in compulsory third party premiums appear to have made little headway, as NSW and Victoria say they have measures in place to help households weather the financial crunch sparked by the virus pandemic...
27 April 2020
Australian Reinsurance Pool Corporation Chairman Ian Carson will take up a second three-year term in the role while two other board appointments have also been made...
20 April 2020
The Australian Securities and Investments Commission has launched Federal Court action against insurer Youi over the handling of a hail damage claim, as it takes a tougher legal approach in its regulation...
20 April 2020
The NSW Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal is seeking submissions as it considers changes to the state’s home building compensation scheme...
20 April 2020
The Federal Court applied a "very narrow view of judicial power" when it rejected a superannuation fund’s appeal against a ruling made by the Australian Financial Complaints Authority, according to law firm Allens...
20 April 2020
The Royal Commission into National Natural Disaster Arrangements will not "point fingers or apportion blame to any jurisdiction, government or individual," the inquiry’s opening hearing was told on Thursday...
20 April 2020
The NSW State Insurance Regulatory Authority says it has been advised of 162 workers’ compensation claims or notifications related to COVID-19...
20 April 2020
The Australian Financial Complaints Authority has given insurers and financial services providers extra time to resolve disputes with customers, easing the pressure brought on by the coronavirus crisis...
20 April 2020
Insurance customers have complained to the competition regulator about paying premiums for services they can no longer access due to COVID-19 restrictions...
20 April 2020
Unlisted entities have been granted additional time to lodge their scheduled financial reports, the Australian Securities and Investments Commission says...
20 April 2020
The newly created NSW Resilience agency will present "opportunities for a more co-ordinated approach" to handle future natural disasters and significant events, IAG MD and CEO Peter Harmer says...
06 April 2020
Actuarial firm Finity has advised insurers against putting on hold the implementation of reform measures pushed forth by the Hayne royal commission during the coronavirus outbreak...