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Regulatory & Government

Midwives get extension on PI exemption

20 August 2012

Midwife groups have welcomed the decision by health ministers to extend until June 2015 the professional indemnity insurance exemption for privately practising midwives…

Group insurance governance worries APRA

06 August 2012

The Australian Prudential Regulation Authority is continuing to work with group life insurers to improve governance in the sector, says Executive Member Ian Laughlin…

Direct insurers worry regulator

06 August 2012

The Australian Securities and Investments Commission is concerned about sales of life insurance by so-called direct insurers…

COAG agrees to directors’ liability reform

30 July 2012

Reform of the various state and territory laws on directors’ liability is back on the agenda after the Council of Australian Governments agreed to a set of principles and guidelines around reform…

Comcare marked for overhaul

30 July 2012

The Federal Government is to review its Comcare workers’ compensation scheme in an attempt to cut red tape and to bring it up to contemporary best practice…

New code for WA WorkCover

30 July 2012

WorkCover WA’s new code of practice for insurance brokers is now in the market following the completion of a feedback and consultation process with the industry…