NSW lawyers say workers’ comp law favours insurers
20 August 2012
Lawyers in NSW have condemned a change to workers’ compensation legislation that makes injured staff pay their own legal costs, saying it favours insurers over claimants…
20 August 2012
Lawyers in NSW have condemned a change to workers’ compensation legislation that makes injured staff pay their own legal costs, saying it favours insurers over claimants…
20 August 2012
Midwife groups have welcomed the decision by health ministers to extend until June 2015 the professional indemnity insurance exemption for privately practising midwives…
20 August 2012
The Reserve Bank of New Zealand has published amendments to the Insurance (Prudential Supervision) Act…
20 August 2012
A New Zealand insurance broker and property developer has pleaded guilty to 25 counts of fraud and perverting the course of justice dating back to 2002…
13 August 2012
The Government is considering how the “best interests” duty regulations will apply to general insurance products…
13 August 2012
All brokers and life insurance advisers will still have to apply the “best interests” duty when giving scaled advice…
13 August 2012
Federal Treasury has released exposure draft regulations for the provision of key facts sheets for home building and home contents insurance policies…
13 August 2012
The New Zealand Government has announced a review of the country’s fire services, which receive funding via levies on insurance policies…
13 August 2012
The Australian Securities and Investments Commission is seeking licensees and industry associations to conduct consumer tests on statements of advice…
13 August 2012
The Australian Prudential Regulation Authority has released more proposed changes to insurers’ reporting requirements…
06 August 2012
The Queensland Government has commissioned two US agencies for an independent review of Seqwater’s report into the January 2011 floods…
06 August 2012
The Australian Prudential Regulation Authority is continuing to work with group life insurers to improve governance in the sector, says Executive Member Ian Laughlin…
06 August 2012
The monitor for the 2009 Victorian Bushfires Royal Commission says he has no evidence of progress to remove the fire services levy…
06 August 2012
The director of a national financial services company has been permanently banned by the Australian Securities and Investments Commission…
06 August 2012
The Australian Securities and Investments Commission is concerned about sales of life insurance by so-called direct insurers…
30 July 2012
Reform of the various state and territory laws on directors’ liability is back on the agenda after the Council of Australian Governments agreed to a set of principles and guidelines around reform…
30 July 2012
State revenue offices around Australia are targeting financial planning dealer groups for payroll tax on advisers…
30 July 2012
The Federal Government is to review its Comcare workers’ compensation scheme in an attempt to cut red tape and to bring it up to contemporary best practice…
30 July 2012
The Insurance Council of Australia wants taxis in Victoria to carry mandatory third-party property damage insurance…
30 July 2012
WorkCover WA’s new code of practice for insurance brokers is now in the market following the completion of a feedback and consultation process with the industry…