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Regulatory & Government

WorkCover WA claim numbers steady

30 July 2012

The number of claims on the WA workers’ compensation scheme remains stable, with payments increasing slightly in the past four years…

ICA challenges privacy reform detail

23 July 2012

The Insurance Council of Australia has raised three significant concerns about the Federal Government’s privacy reform legislation, which is before Parliament…

WorkCover SA moves to cut costs

16 July 2012

WorkCover SA has introduced an experience rating system for medium and large employers as it struggles to lower costs and stay competitive with other states’ workers’ compensation systems…

ASIC bans Newcastle authorised rep

16 July 2012

The Australian Securities and Investments Commission has permanently banned a Newcastle authorised representative who engaged in dishonest conduct involving more than 100 clients and $150,000…

WA courts want insurers identified

09 July 2012

A controversial new WA court rule may force parties mounting legal actions to notify each other and the court who their insurer is…

Tax agents must have PI insurance

09 July 2012

Taxation and business activity statement agents must maintain professional indemnity insurance following a ruling by the Administrative Appeals Tribunal…

RBNZ adopts priority system for insurer licensing

09 July 2012

Insurance regulator the Reserve Bank of New Zealand has introduced a priority system for the 100 or so insurers that need to gain a full licence under a new insurance regulatory system…

National emergency plans on track

09 July 2012

The Federal Government says Australia’s resilience to disasters has been strengthened by “key achievements” over the past 12 months…

Regulators draft rules for global insurers

09 July 2012

The International Association of Insurance Supervisors has released draft proposals on an international supervisory framework for global insurance groups…

ASIC outlines stronger powers

02 July 2012

The Australian Securities and Investments Commission has gained stronger powers to take action against financial service providers it believes are likely to breach the law…