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NSW emergency levy consultation closes

Consultation on changes to the funding of NSW’s emergency services has now closed, after it was extended from October 8 to October 31.

“We are very pleased with the extent of responses received,” NSW Treasurer Mike Baird told

“The purpose of the public consultation period was to gain initial feedback from stakeholders and the community. NSW Treasury will now assess the submissions… and develop options to take to a parliamentary committee for further public consultation in the first half of next year.”

The State Government is considering reforms to the emergency services levy (ESL), which is currently loaded onto insurance policies. It may switch to a property-based system following similar moves in other states, most recently Victoria.

Taxes on insurance premiums currently contribute nearly 74% of funding for the state’s emergency services – about $763 million, plus $63 million in stamp duty. Local councils and the NSW Government pay the rest.

A discussion paper released in July proposes an annual property-based tax of up to $267 for land valued at $250,000. Any change is likely to be introduced from July 1 2014.