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Regulatory & Government

Disaster hub launches online

03 December 2012

A website to help communities understand and better prepare for natural disasters has been launched by the Federal Government…

ICA backs credit privacy changes

03 December 2012

New credit history legislation will let insurers in the lenders’ mortgage insurance market make better risk assessments, according to the Insurance Council of Australia…

SA CTP scheme records loss

03 December 2012

South Australia’s compulsory third party insurer, the Motor Accident Commission, made a net loss of $34.1 million in the year to June 30 – a result its CEO calls “predictable”…

APRA needs more independence: IMF

26 November 2012

The Australian Prudential Regulation Authority has a comprehensive and well-documented style of risk-based supervision, but a lack of independence and poor inter-agency co-ordination threaten its…

Funding restraints strangle ASIC, IMF says

26 November 2012

Australia’s “sound, resilient and well-managed” financial system remains at risk from global uncertainty, regulatory gaps and insufficient funding for the corporate watchdog, according to the…

Pratten sentence delayed until March

26 November 2012

Sentencing of Rural & General Insurance Brokers founder Charles Pratten was again postponed last week, following two earlier delays…

Swiss Re questions insurance contract reforms

26 November 2012

The proposed global insurance contracts accounting standard could have significant implications for insurers, but they may not achieve the level of transparency required, Swiss Re says…

NIIS reveals program principles

26 November 2012

The National Injury Insurance Scheme Advisory Group has produced a series of principles covering the design and introduction of the program, which follows reforms recommended by a…

Commonwealth supports flood inquiry findings

19 November 2012

Work to expand and centralise flood data for future studies is well under way, according to the Federal Government’s response to the Queensland floods inquiry…

Ex-broker Craig Horsell to be sentenced

19 November 2012

Former insurance broker Craig John Horsell will be sentenced in December after admitting three charges of dishonestly using his position to authorise payments into his personal bank account…

ASIC lays down the law on advertising

19 November 2012

General insurers must ensure comparison advertisements feature products with sufficiently similar attributes, according to new regulatory guidelines…

Workers’ comp needs competition: Suncorp

19 November 2012

Opening Queensland’s workers’ compensation scheme to the private sector will benefit injured workers and create more competitive premiums, according to Suncorp…

Insurers face profitability challenge, says Laker

12 November 2012

General insurers face the strategic challenge of maintaining profitability in a climate of lower interest rates, higher reinsurance costs and new forms of competition, Australian Prudential Regulation Authority…

Enforcement actions on the rise

12 November 2012

The Australian Prudential and Regulation Authority took 36 enforcement actions related to general insurance in 2011/12, compared with only two the year before…