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Regulatory & Government

Reluctance to share data ‘harms competition’

21 July 2014

Insurers’ reluctance to share information with comparison websites may be reducing price competition in the home and contents and car insurance markets, the Financial System Inquiry…

Inquiry seeks more data on underinsurance

21 July 2014

The Financial System Inquiry has called for more information on underinsurance levels in general insurance, amid fears technological developments in risk pricing could worsen the problem…

Transparency would ‘aid buying decisions’

21 July 2014

Consumers will make better decisions when buying cover if insurers improve the information they give on pricing structures and costs, according to the Financial Rights Legal Centre…

Regulation costs face further scrutiny

21 July 2014

The Financial System Inquiry has commissioned further analysis of the costs and benefits of regulation, after submissions complained about the compliance burden…

Global insurers support B20 on regulation

21 July 2014

Prudential regulations should not unnecessarily discourage investment by the insurance industry, say the recommendations of the B20 – business leaders from the top 20 economies…

House rebuilds leave door open to disaster

14 July 2014

Homeowners typically rebuild after disasters without making mitigation adaptations, Geoscience Australia has told the Productivity Commission’s inquiry into catastrophe funding arrangements…

IAIS releases capital requirement rule

14 July 2014

The International Association of Insurance Supervisors has issued its proposed basic capital requirement for global systemically important insurers…

NZ election promises draw mixed response

14 July 2014

The Insurance Council of New Zealand has rejected a Labour Party campaign promise to establish an insurance commissioner, but it supports plans to overhaul…

Disclosure regime ‘needs overhaul’

07 July 2014

The insurance product disclosure regime is “poor and inadequate” and the “vast majority” of consumers do not read the relevant statements, the Financial Rights Legal Centre warns…

ASIC puts back group purchasing deadline

07 July 2014

The Australian Securities and Investments Commission has extended a deadline on new rules for group purchasing bodies involved in risk management, as efforts intensify…

Smash repair inquiry calls for licensed assessors

07 July 2014

A NSW parliamentary inquiry into the state’s smash repair industry says insurance assessors should be licensed, with a “three strikes and you’re out” policy for breaches of…

NIBA attacks state-run workers’ comp

07 July 2014

The National Insurance Brokers Association has told the Federal Government’s Competition Policy Review that “ongoing government monopolies” remain in the insurance industry…