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Regulatory & Government

Suncorp backs no-fault CTP for NSW

21 March 2016

Suncorp has welcomed the NSW Government’s decision to review its compulsory third party (CTP) insurance regime and has urged the state to adopt a no-fault scheme…

ICA sounds caution on WA move to provisional damages

21 March 2016

The Insurance Council of Australia’s submission to a Law Reform Commission of WA discussion paper on the introduction of provisional damages says provisional payments should only be available for claims relating to asbestos and dust diseases with long latency periods…

NSW to overhaul ‘unsustainable’ greenslip scheme

14 March 2016

The NSW Government has announced a review of its compulsory third party model, with Minister for Better Regulation Victor Dominello slamming the scheme as “inefficient and unsustainable”…

ASIC reports on ASX cyber resilience

14 March 2016

The Australian Securities and Investments Commission has released its first assessment report on the cyber resilience of the Australian Securities Exchange and Chi-X…

Intermediaries remove ‘independent’ labels

07 March 2016

Suncorp-linked Citywide Insurance Brokers and Financial Planners, iSelect and wealth manager Wilson HTM have stopped using the term “independent” to market their businesses, following concerns expressed by the Australian Securities and Investments Commission…

NSW takes action on CTP fraudsters

07 March 2016

Insurance fraud costs the NSW motor accident compulsory third party scheme an estimated $150 million a year, and the State Government has decided it’s time to crack down…

Ace to compensate Combined victims

29 February 2016

Ace will pay $1 million to financial counselling and literacy initiatives and a “significant sum” to compensate customers following mis-selling at its subsidiary Combined Insurance…