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Regulatory & Government

IAIS seeks views on capital standards

27 June 2016

The International Association of Insurance Supervisors is to release a consultation document on risk-based insurance capital standards next month…

RBNZ warns of email rort

20 June 2016

The Reserve Bank of New Zealand has cautioned businesses in the financial sector against opening a scam email purportedly from one of its employees…

ASIC to ease licensing laws on fintechs

14 June 2016

Fintech start-ups will be allowed to operate for six months without a licence under one of several proposals to make the financial sector more innovative…

Allianz in the doghouse over pet cover claims

14 June 2016

Allianz Australia has compensated 740 Petplan customers a total of $231,000 and its agent, Petplan Australasia, has corrected its advertising following action by regulators…

ACT finalises insurance levy axe

14 June 2016

The ACT Government has delivered on its pledge to abolish insurance tax in the 2016/17 budget, and the Insurance Council of Australia has called on other states and territories to follow suit…

ASIC opens first ‘best-interests’ action

14 June 2016

The first “best-interests” case has been instigated by the Australian Securities and Investments Commission, against Melbourne-based adviser group NSG Services…

Insurers prepare for NSW levy transition

06 June 2016

Insurers are ready to transit to NSW’s new system of funding its fire and emergency services via a property charge after Parliament passed legislation last week to abolish the existing levy on insurance policies…

ICA demands greater transparency from regulators

06 June 2016

The Insurance Council of Australia has told Treasury’s review of the financial institutions supervisory levies proposed for 2016/17 that regulators must improve information flows to the insurance industry…