NSW unveils ‘dynamic’ ride-sharing CTP pricing
11 July 2016
Telematics may be used to set compulsory third party premiums for taxis and ride-sharing vehicles in NSW…
11 July 2016
Telematics may be used to set compulsory third party premiums for taxis and ride-sharing vehicles in NSW…
11 July 2016
Owners’ corporations in Victoria should be mandated to establish funds to help residents carry out emergency repairs while insurance claims are being processed and bring them into line with others states, according to Strata Community Australia…
11 July 2016
About $16.2 million will be invested over four years to tackle the growing threat of bushfires in SA, it was announced in the state budget…
11 July 2016
Victoria’s average workers’ compensation premium for this financial year remains at 1.272% of wages…
04 July 2016
The new financial year marks the start of regulatory changes that will free ACT households from insurance stamp duties and improve compulsory third party cover in WA and SA…
04 July 2016
Motorists in NSW can expect lower premiums and improved all-round coverage when the state moves to a hybrid no-fault compulsory third party scheme, insurers say…
04 July 2016
Research by New Zealand’s Financial Markets Authority shows 31% of life insurance policies lapse within three years…
04 July 2016
The average waiting time to process mesothelioma and other dust disease victims’ compensation claims in NSW has halved under State Government reforms…
04 July 2016
The Australian Reinsurance Pool Corporation has announced the program for its international conference later this year…
04 July 2016
Global accounting standards bodies have agreed that an insurer’s profit and loss statement should be the primary source of financial information in an insurance contracts framework…
27 June 2016
The NSW Government says revenue from a new property-based charge for funding fire and emergency services will grow 2.8% a year to more than $1 billion in 2019/20…
27 June 2016
Victoria is to develop rules for ride-sharing services such as Uber, after the Government agreed to hammer out a framework over the winter parliamentary break…
27 June 2016
The Australian Prudential Regulation Authority has outlined proposals to improve the relevance of insurers’ appointed actuaries…
27 June 2016
Financial technology innovation makes good corporate culture even more important in gaining customer confidence, according to Australian Securities and Investments Commission Chairman Greg Medcraft…
27 June 2016
The International Association of Insurance Supervisors is to release a consultation document on risk-based insurance capital standards next month…
20 June 2016
The Australian Prudential Regulation Authority wants to publish more general insurance statistics…
20 June 2016
Queensland’s state budget has allocated funds toward disaster resilience, improving infrastructure and tackling climate change…
20 June 2016
The NSW Government has allocated an extra $1.2 million to crack down on compulsory third party fraud…
20 June 2016
The Queensland Government has introduced a bill to Parliament providing lifetime care and support to people who suffer catastrophic injuries in the workplace…
20 June 2016
Regulators in Australia and Singapore have signed an agreement to help innovative financial technology companies expand in each other’s markets…