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Regulatory & Government

Report backs CTP lump sum payout cut

19 September 2016

Lawyers’ concerns over the removal of some lump sum payments in reforms to NSW compulsory third party motor insurance are rebutted in a new report…

Bogus builder leaves clients with dud cover

19 September 2016

An unspecified number of consumers lost their rights to make claims for uncompleted houses after their bogus builder obtained domestic building insurance using stolen identities, the Victorian Building Authority says…

Watchdog slams WorkSafe Victoria over denied claims

12 September 2016

WorkSafe Victoria agents denied workers their rightful entitlements by ignoring evidence to “reject or terminate” compensation claims, the Victorian Ombudsman says following an investigation…

Dispute resolution review calls for submissions

12 September 2016

The independent panel reviewing the financial system’s external dispute resolution and complaints framework has released an issues paper and is calling for submissions…

Fintech advisers meet Treasurer

05 September 2016

The Fintech Advisory Group met Federal Treasurer Scott Morrison on Friday to further drive development of innovation in financial services…

ASIC issues guidelines on digital advice

05 September 2016

Providers of digital advice must have at least one responsible manager who meets minimum training and competence standards for advisers, according to new guidelines from the Australian Securities and Investments Commission…

Regulator looks to embed cost savings

29 August 2016

A major shift of focus is under way at the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority as it seeks to embed planned cost savings for industries it supervises. The move follows the regulator’s recognition over the past two years of areas requiring change…

Victoria to overhaul taxi registration regime

29 August 2016

The Victorian Government will abolish taxi licences and create a single registration system over the next two years to provide for safer, simpler and more flexible trips, it says…

APRA defers derivatives rule

29 August 2016

The introduction of risk standards for non-centrally cleared derivatives has been deferred by the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority…