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Regulatory & Government

ACCC targets extended warranty industry

14 November 2016

The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission has accepted an enforceable undertaking from Virginia Surety Company after a review of extended warranty sales…

NIBA hits out at NSW builders’ warranty overhaul

07 November 2016

The National Insurance Brokers Association has criticised the NSW Government’s plan to phase out broker commissions under its overhaul of the loss-making builders’ warranty insurance scheme…

ICA warns ACT on surveillance clampdown

07 November 2016

New surveillance rules proposed by the ACT could hamper investigation of fraudulent claims and increase the cost of cover, the Insurance Council of Australia warns…

NSW workers’ rehab rates improve

07 November 2016

The NSW return-to-work rate has improved over a three-year period, while the overall cost of premiums has fallen, according to an inaugural performance report from the workers’ compensation regulator…

APRA asks for feedback on ARPC recoverables

07 November 2016

The Australian Prudential Regulation Authority has written to general insurers seeking feedback on the treatment of Australian Reinsurance Pool Corporation reinsurance recoverables…

NSW changes law on CTP legal costs

07 November 2016

The Motor Accidents Compensation Regulation 2015 has been amended to cap legal costs for NSW compulsory third party claims…

EQC shake-up pushed back to next year

07 November 2016

Reforms to New Zealand’s Earthquake Commission Act will be delayed until next year as the Government grapples with the potential changes…

ASIC clarifies AR record-keeping requirements

31 October 2016

The Australian Securities and Investments Commission has amended its record-keeping obligations to ensure advice licensees can adequately monitor and supervise authorised representatives…