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Regulatory & Government

ASIC bans former AR after fraud sentence

31 October 2016

The Australian Securities and Investments Commission has banned former NAS authorised representative Linda Rae Whelan after she was sentenced for fraud and stealing…

NZ fire services levy to rise

31 October 2016

The New Zealand Fire Service Commission has proposed increasing the levy on insurance contracts by almost 40%…

RBNZ questions insurers on catastrophe risks

31 October 2016

The Reserve Bank of New Zealand is surveying insurers on the way they assess catastrophe risk exposure, as it considers stepping up its information gathering…

IAG pays out $6.8 million over ESL errors

24 October 2016

IAG will pay nearly $7 million in refunds to customers and donations to emergency organisations over charging errors related to the NSW emergency services levy…

EQC nears finishing line for Canterbury

24 October 2016

New Zealand’s Earthquake Commission paid $NZ495 million in the year to June 30 settling claims from the Canterbury quakes, as it strives to finish the task…

O’Dwyer names ASIC review taskforce

24 October 2016

Minister for Revenue and Financial Services Kelly O’Dwyer has announced members and terms of reference for the Australian Securities and Investments Commission Enforcement Review Taskforce…

APRA steps up risk culture supervision

24 October 2016

The Australian Prudential Regulation Authority will intensify efforts to curb excessive corporate risk-taking that could endanger the financial sector’s stability…

FOS calls for last-resort compo scheme

17 October 2016

A compensation scheme of last resort should be established for consumers, the Financial Ombudsman Service has told a government review…

Terrorism pool joins international forum

17 October 2016

The Australian Reinsurance Pool Corporation has joined a forum set up to promote greater collaboration between the world’s terrorism reinsurance pools…

Bankers want ombudsmen cut back

17 October 2016

The Australian Bankers’ Association wants a one-stop shop to handle consumers’ financial services complaints…

Victoria moves to reform TAC, WorkSafe benefits

17 October 2016

The Victorian Government has introduced legislation to improve benefits under the Transport Accident Commission and WorkSafe schemes and establish a statutory watchdog to oversee dispute resolution…

APRA makes case for risk culture supervision

17 October 2016

The Australian Prudential Regulation Authority has a “legitimate interest” in monitoring financial institutions’ risky practices, Chairman Wayne Byres says…