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Queensland brokers warned on WorkCover rules

WorkCover Queensland has urged insurance brokers to ensure clients are covered for workplace injuries as it adopts a sharper compliance focus.

The authority has stepped up its year-round employer compliance and education visits, and is improving wage audits by data-matching information linked to the Tax Office and the Office of State Revenue.

“If your Queensland clients are employing workers, they are breaking the law if they don’t have a WorkCover accident insurance policy,” Manager of Customer Compliance Stacey Looney said.

“Uninsured employers that lodge WorkCover claims are held to account and subject to significant financial penalties, including the cost of the claim.”

Penalties can amount to hundreds of thousands of dollars for severe injuries, she says.

In 2015 uninsured businesses lodged 260 workplace injury claims with WorkCover Queensland, costing the scheme about $6.5 million.

During the period audits of 650 businesses found 8% of employers omitted to declare wages paid to contractors deemed workers, and 3% were uninsured.

“It is never too late for brokers to ensure their clients are complying,” Ms Looney said.