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Regulatory & Government

Employer penalised for workers’ comp blunder

20 February 2017

The owner of a NSW hospitality business must pay a three-year “avoided premium penalty” of $18,000 for failing to cover her workers’ compensation liabilities, the State Insurance Regulatory Authority says…

WA injury scheme seeks panel members

20 February 2017

The Insurance Commission of WA is seeking expressions of interest from medical experts and health professionals to join its Catastrophic Injuries Support Scheme…

FMA sets out strategic priorities

20 February 2017

New Zealand’s Financial Markets Authority has listed seven priority oversight areas for the next three years…

APRA shrugs off expanded data worries

13 February 2017

The Australian Prudential Regulation Authority has rejected industry protests and will go ahead with a plan to provide additional statistics on general insurance in expanded industry and institutional level reports…

APRA warns over ‘shiny new toys’

13 February 2017

Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA) Chairman Wayne Byres says financial businesses must resist the temptation to spend on “shiny new toys” for customers at the expense of improved back-office technologies…

ICA raises concerns on OECD tax treaty

13 February 2017

The Insurance Council of Australia is concerned about an “increased compliance burden” should Canberra implement articles 12-14 of an OECD treaty designed to address tax avoidance by multinationals…

CERA stumbled after early quake action: report

13 February 2017

New Zealand’s Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority struggled with a less defined role once the Christchurch emergency response ended, and was overly optimistic in its communications, an Auditor-General’s review has found…

ARPC chairman to step down

13 February 2017

Australian Reinsurance Pool Corporation Chairman Joan Fitzpatrick has announced she will not seek reappointment when her term expires at the end of June…

Asbestos breaches ‘must be punished’

06 February 2017

Every breach of Australia’s zero-tolerance policy on asbestos imports should be punished, the Asbestos Safety and Eradication Agency says…

ICA sets a figure on driverless car trials

06 February 2017

The Insurance Council of Australia says organisations trialling highly automated vehicles should have at least $20 million in public liability insurance…

Fintech licence exemption alarms consumer advocates

30 January 2017

The Australian Securities and Investments Commission will allow fintechs to market-test new services without holding a licence – a move that has sparked protests from consumer groups…

NSW looks to simplify unclear insurance law

30 January 2017

The NSW Government is considering a recommendation to replace a 70-year-old insurance claims law that has caused uncertainty over liability cover for directors and officers…