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Regulatory & Government

Marine laws ‘need reform’ after UK overhaul

30 January 2017

The Marine Insurance Act needs to be reviewed to keep pace with changes in the UK, according to the Insurance Council of Australia. It says the industry risks losing its competitiveness…

APRA seeks submissions on data overhaul

30 January 2017

The Australian Prudential Regulation Authority is asking for feedback on its proposals to improve the quality of data collected from authorised deposit-taking institutions, including insurers…

FMA to release conduct guide

30 January 2017

New Zealand’s Financial Markets Authority is poised to release a “principles-based” guide on the conduct of financial service providers under the Financial Markets Conduct Act…

Canberra channels $31.9 million into cyber centre

12 December 2016

The Turnbull Government has committed $31.9 million to setting up the industry-led Cyber Security Growth Centre, to increase and improve the nation’s cyber-security workforce…

ASIC forum looks to the future

12 December 2016

The 22nd Australian Securities and Investments Commission Annual Forum will be held from March 20-21 at the Hilton in Sydney…

Ipswich to hold vehicle automation tests

05 December 2016

Queensland will host Australia’s largest on-road trial of driverless and connected vehicle technology over the next four years, the State Government has announced…

NIBA fights for brokers on HBCF reform

05 December 2016

The National Insurance Brokers Association is pushing for a meeting with NSW Minister for Innovation and Better Regulation Victor Dominello over proposed reforms to the Home Building Compensation Fund…

ASIC suspends licence over report failure

05 December 2016

The Australian Securities and Investments Commission has suspended the licence of Group Underwriters and Managers after it failed to lodge audited accounts for three years…