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Summer catastrophe bill passes $3.5 billion

23 March 2020

Total insured losses from this summer’s fire, hail and flood catastrophes have passed $3.5 billion, according to the latest Insurance Council of Australia figures...

Brokers at the forefront of new M&A deals: Deloitte

16 March 2020

Insurance mergers and acquisitions in Australia are likely to get a post-royal commission bump this year, with insurance brokerages likely to continue consolidating and the insurance subsidiaries of banks poised to become divestment candidates...

Bushfire emissions matched a year of global air travel

16 March 2020

Australia’s catastrophic summer bushfires spewed around 900 million tonnes of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere – roughly the equivalent of a year’s worth of emissions from commercial aircraft worldwide...

Suncorp makes case for CTP reform in Queensland

16 March 2020

Suncorp has again called for changes to Queensland’s at-fault compulsory third party scheme, saying the present setup does not ensure that people injured in a motor accident are covered...

Climate change 'worsens bushfire risk by 30%'

09 March 2020

Bushfire risk in Australia has increased by at least 30% because of climate change, a group of scientists has concluded in a new study after analysing this season’s fire catastrophe…

Insurers can’t be translators, AFCA says

09 March 2020

The Australian Financial Complaints Authority has determined it is not the responsibility of an insurance provider to ensure customers with little fluency in English understand the wording of policies…