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Climate Index casts light on catastrophic summer

04 May 2020

The latest Australian Actuaries Climate Index charts the record-breaking summer conditions that led to one of the worst disaster seasons on record, with insured losses of at least $4.6 billion caused by fire, floods and hail...

Experience gap: why insurers can’t find AI partners

04 May 2020

A lack of external partners with experience in both artificial intelligence and insurance is the major barrier to the adoption of the technology in the sector, according to a survey by professional services firm Genpact...

The exit challenge for insurers: claims criteria

27 April 2020

Rising unemployment, the closure of many workplaces and a move to working from home in all but essential services has muddied the waters for insurers and will put the spotlight on claims criteria as restrictions begin to be unwound...

Motor, property hard hit in economic slump

27 April 2020

The Australian insurance industry is unlikely to rebound quickly from the impact of the coronavirus outbreak, London-based analytics company GlobalData says, amid warnings the local economy may experience its deepest slump since the Great Depression in the first half...

RACQ sees hailstorm climbing towards 900

27 April 2020

RACQ Insurance has received 882 claims for home and vehicle damage after a wild storm saw golf-ball sized hail hit Rockhampton and parts of central Queensland on April 19...

Innovation blueprint needed for next gen firefighting

27 April 2020

Sydney-based risk modeller Risk Frontiers wants government, research and industry stakeholders to collaborate in a “research and innovation blueprint” outlining how technologies will enhance firefighting in both the near term and with “the next generation of capability”...

Storing keys out of sight cuts car theft: NMVTRC

27 April 2020

The National Motor Vehicle Theft Reduction Council is urging education for Australian drivers that highlights how simple measures like storing keys away from windows and doors can greatly reduce the risk of car theft...

Casino group 'working through' BI claim process

20 April 2020

Casino operator The Star Entertainment Group is working through the process for a business interruption claim, amid expectations that most enterprises won’t be able to gain cover for disruptions caused by the coronavirus...

Real estate industry seeks 'clarity' on landlord cover

20 April 2020

More insurers and brokers have stopped offering rent default cover in new residential landlord policies or reduced the scope of coverage for renewals in response to the coronavirus outbreak, prompting a request for "clarity" from the real estate industry...

Fire safety access issues spark warning

20 April 2020

The Insurance Council of Australia has warned on the importance of fire safety checks after reports of building inspection access being denied due to social distancing concerns...