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AFCA expands support for non-English speakers

25 May 2020

The Australian Financial Complaints Authority has improved its resources to help people from culturally and linguistically diverse communities better understand how and when to make a complaint...

Employee protection risks rise as offices reopen

18 May 2020

Gallagher has warned that rising insurance risks as offices reopen include employees contracting COVID-19 and stresses to staff caused by employers’ poor or ineffective management of the crisis...

Recent disasters, pandemic 'fuelling consumer changes'

18 May 2020

The consumer shift towards digital channels and demand for tailor-made insurance products has increased even more, driven by recent natural disasters and coronavirus lockdown measures, according to consultancy Capgemini...

Old firefighting methods inadequate: Risk Frontiers

18 May 2020

Australia should move away from long-standing firefighting ideas that are resource-intensive and struggle to control fires when conditions are truly catastrophic, the Royal Commission into National Natural Disaster Arrangements has been told...

Industry 'could stick with home working'

11 May 2020

Consultants believe the insurance industry could keep faith in a remote and flexible workforce – both as a short-term solution to social distancing requirements and as long-term transformation...

Insurers urged to learn from AFCA decisions

11 May 2020

Insurers should examine Australian Financial Complaints Authority decisions to improve their own internal complaints processes and must make clear to consumers that disputes can be taken to the adjudicator, the General Insurance Code of Practice Governance Committee says...

'Camel man' checks in, says 'I'll be back'

11 May 2020

The owner of a WA brokerage who hit the headlines after falling into a steep ravine while trekking through Australia with five camels and a dog says he’s fine, and he’ll return to insurance one day...

Virus impact forces code implementation delay

11 May 2020

The deadline for implementing the bulk of the new General Insurance Code of Practice has been put back six months to July next year, as insurers turn their focus to dealing with COVID-19...

Get slick during lockdown: insurtech

11 May 2020

New Zealand insurtech JRNY says it is working with large insurers to help foster a "slick digital presence" and protect sales even as face-to-face advice appears difficult for the foreseeable future due to COVID-19 prevention measures...

Swiss Re poll shows virus consumer impacts

04 May 2020

A new survey has found 14% of Australian consumers would be willing to drop their home or motor insurance if they are financially disadvantaged due to the coronavirus outbreak...