25 October 2021
Australians seeking an insurance provider for their home, investment property or other private building asset are advised to compare policies closely to determine whether coverage for broken pipes suits the particular risk factors for their situation and location...
25 October 2021
The Insurance Council of Australia’s Business Advisory Council has held its first meeting as it prepares to develop proposals to address affordability and availability issues in commercial cover...
18 October 2021
The Insurance Council of Australia has called on the new NSW Premier Dominic Perrottet to extend proposed stamp duty reforms to insurance and for the state to take a fresh look at abolishing the emergency services levy...
18 October 2021
Raising the height of the Warragamba Dam wall would not resolve issues created by land use failings that have increased flood risks in the Hawkesbury-Nepean Valley, Insurance Council of Australia CEO Andrew Hall says...
18 October 2021
The Bureau of Meteorology issued a La Nina alert last week as the type of rainfall and severe weather typically associated with the seasonal event and other climate drivers affected much of eastern Australia...
18 October 2021
While the pandemic and its many challenges have been front and centre of all insurance professionals’ thoughts, there’s been a lot happening in the industry that will continue to throw up challenges...
18 October 2021
Insurance companies need to appoint board directors with the “right qualifications” to prevent similar misconduct to that uncovered by the Hayne royal commission, according to the Actuaries Institute...
18 October 2021
The liability market is continuing to harden driven by factors including increasing loss severity and a greater percentage of claims that are litigated, Willis Towers Watson says...
18 October 2021
Finity has warned in a new report that workers’ compensation claims are set to rise as the country looks to reopen, moving away from its tough virus elimination strategy to “living with COVID-19”...
18 October 2021
The Insurance Council of Australia today launched an advertisement campaign aimed at raising consumers’ awareness of their rights under the new Code of Practice that commenced in July...
18 October 2021
Catastrophe data company Perils has lowered its estimate for insured losses from April’s Tropical Cyclone Seroja to $394 million while saying it “serves as a warning” for the northwest of WA of the potential for devastation from tropical cyclones...
11 October 2021
The Insurance Council of Australia is reviewing a Federal Court business interruption test case judgment delivered on Friday that went largely in favour of insurers as appeals are considered...
11 October 2021
The Bureau of Meteorology says there is a 65% chance of more tropical cyclones than average this coming storm season, which starts next month and runs until April...
11 October 2021
The Financial Rights Legal Centre has proposed governments and the insurance sector develop automated pre-filling of driving records and claims histories on policy applications to prevent inadvertent disclosure failings...
11 October 2021
A pilot trial to “measure and test” a different approach to deal with dispute cases that appear to lack merit will be made permanent, the Australian Financial Complaints Authority says in its 2020/21 annual review report...
11 October 2021
New Zealand’s Earthquake Commission and building research group BRANZ are funding research assessing the seismic resilience and fire risk performance of prefabricated insulated panels as demand for housing increases...
04 October 2021
Tornadoes, heavy rainfall and hail have marked an active start to the storm season in eastern and southern Australia as insurers continue to push for national arrangements to allow industry personnel to move more quickly across regions...
04 October 2021
Australia should consider simple fixes to building parapets and other parts of structures that can easily fall during an earthquake, a New Zealand academic who drove legislative change in that country says...
04 October 2021
Setting up a national cyclone advisory group to address mitigation and other emergency management issues should be considered, according to a WA-focused four-year research project...
04 October 2021
Catastrophe data company Perils has launched a real-time hailstorm loss forecasting tool for Australia, and says it’s the first time the capability has been available to the insurance industry...