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ICNZ estimates Tonga claims at $5.5 million

Claims triggered by the Tonga volcanic eruption and tsunami total $NZ5.88 million ($5.5 million), according to the initial estimate from the Insurance Council of New Zealand (ICNZ).

The 60 claims comprise four Commercial Material Damage claims valued at $NZ3.86 million ($3.6 million) and 49 marine claims valued at $NZ1.95 million ($1.82 million), focused on the surge wave through Tutukaka marina, which resulted in several vessels being sunk, tens of boats being damaged and extensive damage to marina infrastructure.

There were also four domestic claims, one motor claim and two other small claims.

"Our thoughts remain with our Pacific neighbours who have seen catastrophic damage which will take much longer to recover from," ICNZ CEO Tim Grafton said.

The marina had cover for its assets and insurance was a condition of mooring for its users. This proved especially valuable in cases where damage was done by boats that had come loose from their moorings and collided with other vessels or infrastructure, ICNZ said.

Tower Chairman Michael Stiassny has said it usually takes a considerable period of time to receive claims from large events in the Pacific and the proportion of people who have insurance in Tonga and across the Pacific is low, and the reliance on governments to provide relief after disasters is likely to rise as climate change effects intensify.

Tower is digitising in the Pacific to help improve access to insurance.