Motoring body uses insurers’ profit as ammunition
30 March 2005
The Victorian Automobile Chamber of Commerce has attempted to use insurers’ recent impressive profits to put the smash repairer issue back into the public spotlight…
30 March 2005
The Victorian Automobile Chamber of Commerce has attempted to use insurers’ recent impressive profits to put the smash repairer issue back into the public spotlight…
30 March 2005
The mainstream media is finally starting to catch up on the fire services levy issue in NSW and Victoria…
30 March 2005
Federal Workplace Relations Minister Kevin Andrews has indicated the Government is looking to reduce costs of the Commonwealth workers’ compensation scheme, Comcare…
30 March 2005
The Insurance Council of Australia has commissioned an independent review of the General Insurance Information Privacy Code in a bid to ensure it is meeting the needs of consumers…
30 March 2005
The number of vehicles stolen in 2004 dropped by about 10% – or 10,000 fewer than in 2003 – but some cars are still proving more attractive to thieves…
15 March 2005
David Brawn, the man whose vision brought Sunrise Exchange to the insurance industry, will retire from Telstra at the end of the month…
15 March 2005
The NSW Government’s review into the legal and administration costs in dust diseases compensation claims was released last week to general approval…
15 March 2005
A tornado which hit the South Island town of Greymouth on New Zealand’s west coast last week is estimated to have caused as much as $10 million in insured damages…
15 March 2005
The New Zealand Government is appealing against a High Court finding that it is liable to thousands of people owning houses that are literally rotting away…
08 March 2005
The Victorian Government may legislate to ensure large companies pick up outstanding liabilities before switching to the Federal Government’s workers’ compensation scheme…
08 March 2005
The Australian Securities and Investments Commission says its investigation into broker remuneration won’t be completed by the end of the month as originally thought…
08 March 2005
The Japanese Government is seething over a New Zealand-registered company which has supplied insurance allowing North Korean cargo ships to continue to operate in its waters…
08 March 2005
The insurance industry has had two years of record profits and favourable conditions, but the good times won’t last forever, according to JP Morgan analyst Shane Fitzgerald…
08 March 2005
The NSW WorkCover scheme is planning to offer refunds to employers for the costs of fraudulent workers’ compensation claims made during the past five years…
01 March 2005
That’s what Federal Minister for Revenue and Assistant Treasurer Mal Brough had to say to the insurance industry last week, which must have come as a relief…
01 March 2005
Despite assertions by the legal fraternity that insurers are cashing in on tort reform, the introduction of tort reform hasn’t been all smooth sailing for the industry…
01 March 2005
The public doesn’t distinguish brokers from underwriters, so the industry needs to work together to build its strengths, says new NIBA President Steve Ball…
01 March 2005
The NSW Government should steer away from introducing a no-fault system to compensate personal injury victims, says Swiss Re New York Senior Economist Thomas Holzheu…
01 March 2005
Insurance Australia Group is back in the smash repairers’ firing line…
01 March 2005
Former IAG Chairman Nicholas Whitlam has won damages from the insurance group after the NSW Supreme Court found it had acted unconscionably in delaying…