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Swine flu indemnity crisis averted

07 September 2009

The Federal Government and insurers have short-circuited a medical indemnity crisis over swine flu vaccinations by developing a special consent form…

It’s a rap for CGU ad competition

07 September 2009

CGU has extended its invitation for contributions to its “rap” advertising competition to staff from competing companies…

Stamp duty refund rush tipped

31 August 2009

Stamp duty refund claims worth more than $50 million are expected to roll in to the NSW Government, now that the NSW Office of State Revenue is believed to have decided to accept…

Bushfire building standards ineffective

31 August 2009

The testing of bunkers needs to be a top priority as sales grow, but no building can be made fireproof, the Victorian Bushfires Royal Commission has been told…

Insurance employees feeling the pressure

31 August 2009

Financial services and insurance professionals are the most stressed workers of any industry and one of the least secure in their jobs, according to recruitment agency Hudson…

Global crisis isn’t over, says reinsurer

24 August 2009

Munich Re Australia MD Heinrich Eder has warned insurers not to relax in the belief that the major impacts of the global financial crisis have been successfully dealt with…

Fire services levy opposed

24 August 2009

The Victorian Bushfires Royal Commission has uncovered widespread opposition to the fire services levy, according to the interim report it released last week…

NZ leaky buildings bill blows out

24 August 2009

The cost of repairing New Zealand's leaky buildings has blown out to $NZ11.5 billion ($9.36 billion) from the previous estimate of $3.6 billion ($2.93 billion)…

Change ‘transforming’ adjusters’ role

24 August 2009

Loss adjusters have transformed their services in the seven years since insurers moved away from a panel system to using single companies, according to a leading adjuster…

Double win for Adelaide adjuster

24 August 2009

Emily Hart from Crawford and Company in Adelaide has won the latest annual Syd McDonald Young Adjuster Award and the Charles Buchanan Prize for loss adjusters…