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NZ Government takes bikers’ levy protest on board

The New Zealand Government says steep levy rises proposed for motorcyclists under the Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC) comprehensive no-fault personal injury cover scheme are likely to be moderated.

This follows a protest outside Parliament in Wellington by bikers numbering between 5000 and 6000, according to media reports.

The levy increases on annual premiums of between $198 for mopeds and $493 for machines over 600cc proposed by the ACC for the coming financial year are particularly high among the rises sought.

ACC Minister Nick Smith says the Government is unlikely to agree to the scale of levy increases earmarked for bikers. But he also points to a soaring number of motorcycle accident claims against a falling overall road toll.

Last month Dr Smith described the scheme as “financially unsustainable” after it reported a loss of $NZ4.8 billion ($3.8 billion) for the past financial year, on top of a $NZ2.4 billion ($1.9 billion) loss the previous year.