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Brand and image the key risks, says Aon

15 March 2010

Damage to brands and companies’ corporate image remains the key concern for major organisations in the year ahead, according to a new risk management survey by brokers Aon…

Expect soft market to continue: JLT

15 March 2010

A second major broker has decided the soft market is continuing, with Jardine Lloyd Thompson saying there’s little immediate evidence to suggest a sudden market correction…

Steadfast attracts record numbers

15 March 2010

Broker cluster group Steadfast is claiming the biggest conference attendance in the Australian general insurance industry for its convention in Perth, which began on Saturday…

Negligence case ‘poor decision’

15 March 2010

A Sydney widow has been awarded more than $300,000 in compensation after a NSW judge ruled a homeowner’s negligence was partially responsible for her husband’s death…

Forget about rate rises: Aon

08 March 2010

The head of Australia’s largest insurance brokerage has refuted reports that premiums are hardening, instead depicting the coming two years as a buyers’ – not sellers’ – market…

Insurers busy after major storms hit Melbourne

08 March 2010

Melbourne insurance offices have been overloaded with calls from householders and businesses reporting damage to buildings and vehicles after a “supercell thunderstorm” hit Victoria…

Suncorp settles over ACT disaster

08 March 2010

Suncorp has dropped a class action against the ACT Government over the 2003 Black Saturday bushfires after settling for an undisclosed amount…

Online revolution provides challenges

08 March 2010

Technology, commoditised insurance products and threats to one-on-one business relationships provided a thread of concern at a Melbourne breakfast seminar examining the state of…

Floods threaten threaten towns

08 March 2010

Insurers are counting the cost of extensive flooding in southwest and southeast regions of Queensland through last week, and Premier Anna Bligh has called on them to…

Former AAMI boss takes seat on FOS board

08 March 2010

Former AAMI CEO Robert Belleville has been appointed as a director of the Financial Ombudsman Service, replacing former Insurance Council of Australia CEO Kerrie Kelly…

Marsh courts brokers for expanded platform

01 March 2010

Mega-broker Marsh is building its footprint in the SME market by offering a new online insurance product and placement platform for select regional and metropolitan brokers…

Queensland WorkCover on life support

01 March 2010

Queensland’s state-run workers’ compensation scheme is teetering on the brink of financial ruin, forcing Parliament to consider raising premiums to stabilise its balance sheet…

HIH compensation to proceed

01 March 2010

Creditors of HIH Insurance will finally be able to access compensation for the botched 1998 takeover of FAI Insurance following a backdown by one partner of its former auditing firm…

Technology is insurance’s double-edged sword

01 March 2010

Insurers and brokers must keep pace with technological change to stay competitive, but not at the expense of client relationships, a senior Suncorp figure has warned…

Victoria unprepared for second Black Saturday

22 February 2010

A repeat of last year’s deadly Black Saturday bushfires in Victoria is imminent unless resources are immediately poured into staffing, controlled burns and contingency plans…

Insurers warned over NZ’s ACC

22 February 2010

Protests against higher levies and other changes to New Zealand’s national accident compensation scheme are focusing on the potential for the private sector to take it over…