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Beware regulatory reaction, says Zurich chief

14 December 2009

Australia’s robust regulatory regime helped Australia weather the worst of the global financial crisis, but there is a danger the regulatory pendulum will swing too far the other way…

Hall of Fame nominates O’Halloran

14 December 2009

QBE Group CEO Frank O’Halloran has been named as a finalist for the US-based International Insurance Society’s 2010 Insurance Hall of Fame…

UAC learns about members

07 December 2009

A survey of Underwriting Agencies Council members has found they employ a total of about 1800 people, with most agencies employing 10 or fewer staff…

New faces on UAC board

07 December 2009

The Underwriting Agencies Council has welcomed three new board members following its AGM last week…

Beware credit risks, say experts

07 December 2009

Australian managers have limited knowledge on ways to shield their companies from customers defaulting on their credit payments, according to a study by credit data specialist…

Small concessions for Kiwi bikers

07 December 2009

Last month’s protest rally by motorcyclists in Wellington has achieved limited results in reducing sharp rate rises proposed by New Zealand’s Accident Compensation Corporation…

NRMA Insurance unveils safest cars

07 December 2009

NRMA Insurance has announced a new safety section on its website designed to help consumers choose their next new car…

Early claims payment paper leads to US trip

07 December 2009

Claim Solutions director Joe Willis has been awarded the 2009 Australian and New Zealand Institute of Insurance and Finance TurksLegal Claims Scholarship…

ANZIIF denies AICLA merger

30 November 2009

The Australian and New Zealand Institute of Insurance and Finance has denied making a formal merger approach to the Australasian Institute of Chartered Loss Adjusters…

Management liability claims surge

30 November 2009

Management liability claims have surged following the global downturn as staff succumb to white-collar crime and gambling…